Ford Focus - Ford Focus Emission problems - HELP!!!! - redman1984

I put my Ford Focus (52 plate zetec engine) in for it’s MOT the other day and it has failed on all 3 carbon emission tests.

Min Max Result

Fast Idle test Fail

CO Level 0 0.30 0.75

HC Level 0 200 343ppm

Lambda 0.95 1.09 1.04

Min Max Result

Second Fast Idle Test Fail

CO Level 0 0.30 0.80

HC Level 0 200 229ppm

Lambda 0.95 1.09 1.06

Min Max Result

Natural Idle Test Fail

CO Level 0 .50 0.72

I’ve tried adding some K-Seal, also an additive to stop the smoke, and also injection cleaner.

The oil level is always dropping, but there are no visible leaks and also it doesn’t seem to be burning off as the smoke has no obvious color to it. Plus my EML is on.

The garage also done a compression test on the cylinders, and cylinder 3 is down by 100 PSI.

Can anyone shed any light to what the problem is, and how I can get it through an MOT the cheapest way possible?

Ford Focus - Ford Focus Emission problems - HELP!!!! - madf

If the EML light is on, get the codes read. They will tell where the fault is.

Does your garage not know that?

If you are buring a reasonable amount of oil, it will contaminate the catalyst eventually...

100psi drop? Are you sure? If so, broken rings or lost valve seals hence your oil consumption.

A competent garage should resolve what is going wrong. Your appears not to be.