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Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - Daedalus

I have started a new job and a car comes with it, in a fashion. I can choose any car from Chevy, Ford, Mazda, Vauxhall and Volvo ranges. I get a set amount each month for the lease of the car for 3 years and can trade up or down from that limit by as much as I want for any of the cars available i.e. the Camaro is not available but a Volvo C30 T5 is. There is not a single car in this very long list that I would want to pay my own money for, so I am getting a very base Mazda so I don't have to contribute.

I will keep my Audi S8, I have had it for 5 years and the bills can be a little on the large side sometimes but there you go, it come with doing 25K miles a year in it. Its now 14 years old and over 200K miles but I still love driving it.

So my question is where am I on a car owing scale? I would never consider parting with good money (my own) for a new car, but am quite happy to part with a similar amount for a "decent" 2nd hand car ie exec, luxury performance etc. Am I being mean, stupid, clever or does it make me a pompous, boring tw4t?

I am hoping this will start a real discussion as to what we want from our cars or indeed motorcycles and why we make the buying decisions we do. New Ford Mondewoe Titanium sport with 200PS diesel and some extras for £33,470 or Audi S8 5.2 with 45K miles for £31,994???

By the way why can I not cut and past from Word anymore?


Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - gordonbennet

Your choice makes you an individual, that's to be enjoyed in this land of cloned people driving cloned cars, it doesn't say anything about you other than you are not a sheep unable to think or do outside the herd.

I drive a 15 year old MB which we've had for 9 years, even had it LPG converted which means it's staying put for as long as it lasts. It has had it's share of problems, though not too many and no engine or drivetrain failures. Like you i enjoy owning and driving my old car, what anyone else thinks of me is of no interest.

I understand you going for the base Mazda, and there's precious few from the makes you list that i'd have chosen either, Volvo's fashionable cars do nothing for me any more.

The only car from those makers that stands out is the Chevvy Cruze, in auto (proper too) Diesel form a pleasant, competent and quiet car, not the latest hatchback though, that's joined the clone wars.

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - Armstrong Sid
What your car says about you will change depending on the person looking.

If you have a BMW some will say you have a superb machine designed for people who have good taste by a manufacturer who knows how to build cars for drivers; others will say if you have a BMW you are an arrogant, selfish, instantly dislikeable person.

If you drive something from the Far East some will say you have a reliable, economical, well-built car which will do all you ask of it every time; others will say it's a cheap plastic box which has no soul and no class.

You can't win, so just buy whatever you want
Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - jamie745

Well most people couldnt really care less what somebody drives, most people dont notice the car unless its really glaring. Cars like BMW's are now so common theyve lost their 'exclusivity' that people dont notice them so much anymore. Drive a Focus or an Astra and nobody will see you. Its almost a shame about BMW because they make fantastic cars but nobody notices them anymore, a BMW, Audi etc screams 'i have no imagination' where as something uncommon like a Chevrolet Cruze which is in fairness alot of car for not much money will have more people go 'ooo whats that' even if it is an ordinary car.

People who do notice cars will instantly dislike you in a BMW, Mercedes or Audi, view you as another run of the mill arrogant accountant. But drive a Jaguar like i do and people are slightly different. To quote James May 'someone who drives a Jag is never completely trustworthy but its in a really nice way'.

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - Daedalus


I forgot to mention that I had the car "gassed" as soon as I bought it. I can still get LPG for 65p a ltr a couple of miles away and as it’s on the way back from where I used to work it always made real sense. On a journey with out trying I get about 52 mpg equivalent so it has made owing the car quite reasonable really. If you need the extra get up and go, click the switch and Shell Vpower does the rest (at a cost).

I also checked the cost of the Chevy Cruze for interest and found I would have to contribute the thick end of £100 quid a month for the cheapest, no comparison the £1,200 will get me insurance, 4 tyres and the MOT this year on the S8.

It looks as if my using Opera as my web browser stops me pasting in as someone suggested, because like my cars I prefer something that is quick, handles fairly well works correctly (most of the time) and is a cut above IE; which I appear to be forced to use if I want to cut and paste. Webmaster please please make the comments fully web compliant so that Opera is able to use it, Opera is after all the most web compliant browser out there unlike IE.



Edited by Daedalus on 21/08/2011 at 17:46

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - gordonbennet

I forgot to mention that I had the car "gassed" as soon as I bought it. I can still get LPG for 65p a ltr a couple of miles away and as it’s on the way back from where I used to work it always made real sense. On a journey with out trying I get about 52 mpg equivalent so it has made owing the car quite reasonable really. If you need the extra get up and go, click the switch and Shell Vpower does the rest (at a cost).

My old Benz appears just as quick on gas, if it isn't i still have no problems overtaking, either way neither of us is complaining i daresay, the conversion has meant i can still enjoy my daily driver without having me pants pulled down ever further by the govt (term used loosely) every service station visit, paying tax (vat) on tax (fuel) with money that's already been taxed.

You're doing well at 65ppl, can't get below 70p round Northants.

Are you running flashlube by the way?

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - Avant

Daedalus, I hope that you'll make all the difference to your new company if their general management reflects their short-termist transport policy - more like your mythical son Icarus!

No doubt they selected those makes because of hearty discounts available on new cars, but they ignore the very poor resale values of Ford, Chevrolet and Vauxhall in particular. These come from oversupply (Ford, despite the cars being good), lack of driving excitement (Chevy) and both in the case of Vauxhall. More German and Japanese makes would have made sense.

Clearly you'll keep your Audi because you like it - the best reason, which is surely more important to you than what other people think of it (about 98 % of them don't notice anyway).

In terms of new v. secondhand, it's horses for courses. Whehn I got my first Skoda, a colleague bought a 3-year-old Mercedes estate which cost him about the same. I do 15,000 miles a year; he does about 6,000. Both of us were right: I wanted reliability in a car that I would expect the change in 2-3 years: he wanted the perceived qualities of a Mercedes in a car that he will keep for longer than that.

Edited by Avant on 21/08/2011 at 15:00

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - unthrottled


Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - oldroverboy
my car says "he didn't spend much on me"
Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - nortones2

Or very well off:) The rich don't always want to advertise their wealth. Tend to invest in appreciating assets - not tin-ware.

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - jamie745

People who really know their onions moneywise dont buy things which wont be worth money in the future. Someone in a diesel Rover 75 could well be extremely canny with money but not all that into cars and have a really nice house with a pool at home. You just never know do you?

Take a drive round some really posh areas of towns, specifically sleepy suburbs with retired people and most of the cars are pretty low rent. Ford Escort or Toyota Yaris, something which doesnt draw attention.

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - veryoldbear

Blimey. The peeps next door do have a very nice house with a pool, and run an oldish Rover 75 estate. How did you know?

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - NowWheels

No doubt they selected those makes because of hearty discounts available on new cars, but they ignore the very poor resale values of Ford, Chevrolet and Vauxhall in particular.

Resale value is irrelevant in this case, because Dedalus has already explained that the car wil be leased. The lease company sets the price of its leases to cover costs such as depreciation, so Dedalus's employer only has to decide how much per month they want to spend.

If they are leasing the cars, I dunno why they restrict the choice in this way. Maybe they don't want to be senn to be paying tor what might be sen as flashy cars? Or maybe their lease company only does a limted range?

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - Alby Back

Whatever drivers or owners think their cars are saying, the irony is that most of the time no one is listening.


Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - NowWheels

Whatever drivers or owners think their cars are saying, the irony is that most of the time no one is listening.

Very true! No matter what brand of wheels, a charmer is still a charmer, an idiot is still an idiot, and an obnoxious person is just as obnoxious.

Those who buy cars to say things abuot themselves are mostly talking to themselves.

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - jamie745

I dont need a car to project the image of the type of person i am. I can do that just fine myself. Hehe.

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - SteveLee

Just make sure it's had the camshaft recall before the engine blows up - the chilled-on (to a spindly hollow shaft) cam lobes often go walkabouts - goodbye S8 engine. The replacement billet camshafts are what it should have had in the firlst place - German engineering eh? If it was a Jag or a Rover the press would have a field-day...

Audi S8 - What does your car say about you? - Daedalus

Mines so old, 1997 vintage, they did not have the technology to drill out camshafts at a reasonable cost. The only issue I have if I keep it now is the £1,100 to have the cam belt changed along with the water pump, thermostat and all the pulleys in 10,000 miles time. More than the car will be worth, but I already know I will do it because I like the car; to replace it with a newer one will cost £8K. So onwards and sideways as they say.
