It should be £260, you're beinf overcharged.
Thanks for being able to read English Steve, that link Collos gave me did say what i claimed it did. However i have found the cause of the issue. Confusion was caused due to a change in the cars numberplate at some point, when i acquired it it had a private plate which ive only just discovered as it looks like a normal one and gives the impression of being a 54 plate car when its not, presumably the letters spell initials of the previous owner or something, i know these kind of plates are cheaper than the more obvious ones. Anyway i was confused by that as ive only just worked this out, i dont think the dealer who sold it to me knew this information tbh as he wasnt very bright. Long story short its a 56 plate car with someone elses private plate making it look like a 54 plate.
The DVLA are correct and my tax band is correct and was charged correctly, but i think the dealer has done himself out of a few quid by selling it to me billed as a 54 plate car due to not doing his research. And now ive re-read the cars V5 and other info which has confirmed this. I apologise for taking up anybodies time i shouldve re-checked this before posting. My mistake. Apologies.