In response to the "restore capital punishment" petition on the government website, a rival petition has surfaced: "keep the ban on capital punishment". Erm...?
The second one would be the easiest petition to sign into law thats ever happened.
Cameron: "So this petition to keep the law we already have, what do we think?"
House: "Might as well!"
Cameron: "Super jobby!"
The truly tragic part is the 'keep the ban on capital punishment' petition has the most petitions of all of them currently running.
Dear god.
I propose a petition against idiotic e-petitions. Roll up, roll up!
Isn't an E-petition one that comes from Yorkshire?
Someones opened their crackers earlier.
Two nuns, a giraffe and an Irishman walk into a bar, the Barman says 'what is this some sort of joke?'