Ford Focus - Unreasonable Insurance Claim Delays Grrrrr - Troutty

Please see my other post in the Back Room where I was basically having a whinge. Well I am afraid it goes on.

The incident took place on the 15 July. Yesterday 03 08 2011 my car (which I had retrieved from repair centre - see other post if it's not too boring) was finally inspected by an "independent" engineer and I have no doubt that the end result will be a Cat D total loss in their own sweet time.

Being a nosey female I took a drive by the other party's house yesterday which is very local (< 4 miles away) and lo and behold her car has been fully repaired and is as good as new. Luckily it was on her drive. I have no way of knowing when the work was done exactly but the claim against me is for £980 or thereabouts according to my insurance company.

The reason I am on my soapbox again is the dire treatment and delays from my point of view and being LIED to on several occasions and basically treated with utter contempt and condecension. Am i being unreasonable and impatient in expecting some sort of resolution a damn sight quicker given the date of the accident. I suppose I am miffed that she is all sorted.

My renewal date is 20 August and even at the ripe old age of 54 I have been unsuccessful in getting what I consider to be reasonable quotes. I have a total of 6 points (SP30's) both from 2008 and two accident claims, I guess that's why.