My 70 year old father owns a ford fiesta 1.4 zetec. same issues, stone broke the aircon, he asked the ford dealer why a grill isn't fitted over the front to protect it, they just said it needs a huge air flow...(funny my old volvo doesn't need that!!!)
anyway....he was told that it was going to cost over £500+vat. unless there was other damage they they hadn't seen....(ie lets add a little bit more to the bill when we've got it all in bits)
anyway I found an aircon specalist near Alyesbury who did the whole job, ie replaced the parts and re-gased and even garantees the items for approx 2 years i think it was....for 1/3rd of the main dealer price....
. your case, if the dealer said the parts arn;t covered your not going to affect any warrenty by having non warrenty parts replaced....same as tyres etc....I think its a shame that you've only had the car a short time and this happens and your told it not covered....(aircon,,,we use ours quite a bit in the winter, is clears the windscreen a lot faster than blowing warm air at takes all the moisture out of the air, hence clearing the steamed up windows faster.)