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Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - richard hinckley

Hello,i received a parking fine as the valid ticket on display in the vehicle was partially obscured by my mobile,do you think i am still liable for the fine now £60!many thanks,Richard.

Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - bonzo dog

Hi Richard,

Liable ..... yes;

Will the authorities waive the penalty ..... possibly.

I had one a few years back where the ticket had dropped to the floor. I sent in the ticket as proof of purchase & the fine was withdrawn.

Good luck but next time try to ensure the ticket is fully visible.

Very lucky your mobo weren't half-inched!

Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - Dwight Van Driver

If your ticket is headed PENALTY CHARGE NOTICE then the tems and conditions of parking ( from whay you say looks LA Off Street Parking area?) is that the ticket has to be clearly visible so that Enforcement Officer can read without ricking his back. Your mobby prevented this so offence.

As suggested try an appeal with proof that you paid - it cost nothing and you may be successful.


Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - richard hinckley

DVD,not successful with appeal so far but i will have another go at em and see what happens-you never know,thanks for your help,Richard.

Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - richard hinckley

Hello Bonzo Dog,i sent a copy of the ticket back with my appeal but they won't withdraw their kind offer----yet,but thanks for your input,cheers,Richard.

Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - concrete

Has happened to me before. The draught from shutting the door blew the ticket across the dash, it could be seen but not easily. Luckily Glasgow Council are very good at understanding and quite lenient and they withdrew the penalty. Edinburgh however!!!!!! The Taliban parking regime there is draconian. I am only surprised they didn't come round the house with a burning cross and lynch me and crush the car for daring to park on their hallowed ground. The moral is, you are in the lap of the Gods when it comes to appeals. You win some, you lose some. Sometimes a grovelling letter, you always park there and this is the first time in all those years that you made a simple error etc etc. Sympathy and best of luck, Concrete

Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - bonzo dog

Slightly away from the topic but as you've mentioned Glasgow .......many years ago our then Parish Priest went up North of the border & into said city.

He was pulled for speeding & the L.O.L. tattoo'd cop, when writing out the details of the offence asked for his name:-

"Revered Father William XXXX" said the priest;

"Mr William XXXX" said the policeman

"No, Reverend Father, not Mr"

"Mr William XXXX" said the policeman

This interchange went on for some time before the copper gave in & wrote the priest's correct title of Reverend Father on the relevent documentation.

The priest told me he never heard about the offence again as he knew that at some point the paperwork would land on the desk of a Catholic & given his title, would go straight into the bin!

Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - concrete

Hello Bonzo Dog, great place Glasgow, you nearly always get the benefit of any doubt. Eminently sensible people whos's attitude is 'it could easily happen to me'. Great story that, and I bet that's what did happen too.

Richard Hinckley makes an interesting point. However I have a feeling that a slight mistake on the paperwork does not invalidate it. It used to but the loophole was closed. We need LucyBC for this one. If you ignore the paperwork and rely on the error you may land in deeper do-do. If you write to them and inform them of the error you stick your head above the papapet! If it is a properly issued Penalty Charge Notice from the police or local authority then I would be inclined to write a nice, grovelling letter of apology and point out the error. They may think it is fair play and rescind the ticket. Either way if it a proper ticket you are at the mercy of the appeals manager, so the nicer the letter the better your chances. Good luck. Concrete

Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - richard hinckley

Thanks concrete,will keep on trying!

Land Rover Discovery 2 - parking ticket fine - richard hinckley

Hello guysngals,i had a reply from the parking baddies who seem to have made an error!On the parking ticket it states that any driver appealing against a parking notice within 14 days(which is the case)will be given the opportunity to pay at the reduced rate-£50.In their reply to my appeal they now state the reduced charge is£60!What do we all think?