Dont forget the fact the English are paying for Scottish and Welsh students to go to our Universities for Free, how very nice of us, and the fact the English are paying to subsidise the fact Scotland doesnt charge for hospital parking.
If Mr Salmond gets his way and gets independance for Scotland, i hope he realises that means proper independance. ie the Scots can start paying for all their own stuff for a change. I look forward to that. I look forward to higher taxes in Scotland, hospital parking charges, prescription charges, increased cost in care for the elderly etc y'know, all the stuff the rest of us have to deal with. Oh, and they can go and join the Euro, stop taking our currency with their photographs on it and build their own Military as well.
Or is Mr Salmond's view of "independance" to be a country which doesnt contribute to us but still takes our money and uses our services? Perhaps we could call them the Gypsy nation.
Edited by jamie745 on 14/07/2011 at 03:17