Back in the day, when there was a young damsel by the name of 'Lucy BC' affiliated with this here website, she would often say "that there legal cover is rubbish..." or something similar!
In all seriousness, those in the proper motoring legal business don't tend to reckon it's much cop. Allegedly they buy the policies in bulk for a pittance each, then sell them on via people's policies for about 30 quid or so. Not a bad profit margin!
I had a non-fault smash, involving injuries to the missus and my excess having to be initially paid out, and I didn't have legal cover on my policy. Once liability for the accident had been established, I wrote to the other insurer and sent them my invoices, and they posted me back a cheque for my excess with no quibble at all. We went through the usual injury specialist route regarding the other half's smashed ribs, and that's going through just fine at the moment. So, speaking from a purely personal point of view, I don't include it on my policies and I don't intend to in the future. If you're injured, phone a claims company, and if you have costs to recover, keep the bills and post them all off once it's settled, and you shouldn't have any problems!
Edited by Problem_Polo :-/ on 08/07/2011 at 02:08