My ABS light comes on intermittently.
Have checked sensor continuity and output (with a digital multimeter from the ABS unit multiplug)
Three of them read 1.6Kohm and produce up to 0.5 volts AC rms, depending on the speed at which I spin the relevant jacked up wheel.
One of them (rear n/s wheel, read from pins 8 & 9) reads open circuit (no continuity) and no output (as expected) when the ABS fault light is on, but reads as the other three when fault clears.
An open circuit / no output reading could nean the sensor is genuinly open circuit or there is a break in one of the two leads that feed it.
Before I order a sensor, I noticed (from suppliers pics.) that the sensor assembly terminates from the wheel end in a two pin plug or socket which presumably connects into a wire loom that finds its way back to the ABS unit multiplug.
Obviousely this two pin plug and socket assembly could be the problem (as could the wiring loom!) rather than the sensor.
Can anyone shed some light on this...where the two pin plug/socket is situated, and how easy / difficult is it to replace the rear wheel sensor (and get at the two pin plug/socket to facilitate this) if the sensor turns out to be intermittently open circuit.
Edited by Whatdowepayourroadtaxfor on 05/07/2011 at 23:18