Oh that we could trust people....
A Supermarket Car Park can be held to be a 'Public Place' under the Road Traffic Act 1988.
Section 172 of that Act places an obligation on drivers where there is an accident whereby damage is caused to any other vehicle to firstly STOP (which you did). It also requires a driver to give if requested to do so, particulars of the vehicle, the drivers and owners detail (if injury then also details of Insurance). If these not given at time then report must be made to Police as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case with 24 hrs. Not clear from above post that poster did this. An offence not to do so.
Whilst an agreement apparently reached at scene to leave matters as they stood there is the option for the other driver to be awakward and report matters to police. Not saying that they would do anything but if they did the above offence could be revealed.
Consider therefore if still within the 24 hr deadline reporting the matter to Police to save any comback re the fail to exchange details.
Examine also the small print of the Insurance policy to see what it says about reporting matters that could effect Insurance.