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Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - beanstalker

I bought a 2007 Corsa from a used car dealer and regret ever going near them. Links View Garages of Wallasey, Wirral left me with two pints of fuel max so I almost ran out of fuel( they use jerrycans!) Who would have paid for that if the catalytic convertor had been ruined?? They made mistakes on the MOT and the road tax. They only supplied one key although they said their cars all came with two. That alone has cost me £78; Links View refuse to reimburse or even contribute towards. They have also refused to acknowledge that a body crease was there and was missed by me and by them thereby directly implying that I am a liar and trying to pull a fast one. I have written to them and would say to anyone who is considering buying a used car from them: DONT.

Ted Robertson.

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - Dynamic Dave

I take it forum members can name & shame now then?

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - unthrottled

Fairly minor greivances. Remind me how running out of fuel destroys the cataytic converter again? It's common for cars to be sold with only enough petrol to get you off the forecourt. You should have cheched the bodywork thoroughly before taking receipt of the car. Caveat emptor

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - Collos25
Surely all these problems should and could have been sorted before final payment I agree the dealer does not seem to have been correct in his dealings with you but most of the problems are down to your lack of forsight.
Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - injection doc

yep I agree 50/50

"caviot emperor" let the buyer beware. Should of checked it over 100% before parting with the dosh and insisted on two keys or told them to stick it.

Short sighted of the dealer, for what it would cost them ! its one customer less or may be more.

The fuel situation is very common, and i wouldnt worry about the cat, if theres no fuel in it then it wont damage the cat ! on the whole there quite bullet proof really apart from cold water.

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - beanstalker

You are 100% right about buyer beware, I totally agree. Regarding the keys, we had paid a deposit by the time the news about there only being a single key available and he would have kept that, it was more than the cost of a key. The big thing is though that he got us to sign the handover form before telling us about there only being one key. Thats underhand, agreed? If he had told us before we would have done as you suggest.

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - Victorbox

If you don't check the car over properly for minor accident damage before buying it, it's hardly the dealer's fault.

This dealer says all its cars come with an RAC inspection so what did this report say about vehicle? http://www.linksviewgarages.co.uk/9192/about.htm

Edited by Victorbox on 07/06/2011 at 17:45

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - beanstalker

The point is that the RAC tested the vehicle on April 21st and I didnt even see the vehicle until May 17th, twenty six days later and the forecourt is very crowded with over 100 cars. 26 days is a long time, ample time for damage to have occurred after the test. Agreed?

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - Collos25
Agreed but is does not take away your own eyes and the the other problems are surely down to your eagerness to have the car instead of doing all the checks.If you feel so agrieved contact the garage in writing and ask them to put things as they should be and seek legal advice.You could have always said no and walked away at anytime there are plenty of pieces of tin out there looking for a home.
Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - madf

Car inspected OK.

Nealry a month elapses. Punter sees car.

Punter buys car.

Punter then notices craese in car.

Garage can argue A> either crease was present when punter bought car or b> crease was made after punter bought car.

Period. End of story.

Edited by madf on 08/06/2011 at 12:31

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - beanstalker

Its not that simple. The salesman had made sure he took a hefty deposit of me when I agreed to buy the car. He was underhand by only telling me about there only being a single key AFTER I had signed the handover form. I wouldnt have signed if he had been honest about the key. The other thing concerns the deposit. Do you seriously think the garage would given me back the deposit if I had pulled out of the deal at that stage?? No chance, it would have been retained. Yes, I accept of course that I missed the damage but the fact remains that I dealt with people who were very quick to refuse to help in any way. Most of the correspondence I have had on the forum is quick to defend the motor trade but never looks at it from the point of view of the punter.

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - bonzo dog

Hi Ted, sorry to hear about your unhappy experience but I guess that most people in this case seem to be erring on the side of the dealer because you haven't much of a arguement:

  1. let's say there was a crease in the door, why do you think the dealer should repair it if you only notice it after you took delivery.
  2. You say the dealership advertises all cars come with 2 keys - where does it say this (I'm not saying it doesn't, just wondered as I can't see it on their web-site).
  3. You're almost certainly correct about the chances of the dealership willingly handing back your deposit but did you pay by credit card? In which case you could have got it back via the credit card co

Good luck with your efforts with the dealership

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - beanstalker

Of course I have written to the garage management! Recorded delivery That was done days ago.. If I had done as you say and walked away they would have kept my deposit. I dont know about the garages where you live but I know for a fact that I wouldnt have got the deposit back. The only way I would have got that back is to have used the small claims process and thats expensive and very drawn out now. When was the last time you looked at the process?? I could not afford to lose that deposit. Its a "Catch 22" situation really.

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - 1litregolfeater

Look on the bright side, it runs ok.

More important, make sure that the missing key has been deleted from the ECU.

And you don't know your key's history, there could be 4 others knocking around able to open and start your new car.

Vauxhall Corsa - car dealers - HonestEamon

I have never had a bad experience with a car dealer before but the guy who owns links view garage in Wallasey cannot be trusted. Do not buy a car from here, any problems and he will leave you for dust. Extremely rude man and dishonest.