I have had a reply back from DVLA which suprise suprise had nothing to do with the question I asked. Who do they employ at these places, that cannot understand a question. Oh and to help the gov's green policy the cost of road tax on motorbikes rises in April, bet you didn't hear that in the budget.
I have replied
'This was not the question I asked. I asked why is my motorcycle's vehicle's tax £74, sorry £76 from April for 84 grms. Co2, when my cars is £30 for a Co2 reading of 119 grms, my car was registered in 2003 and my bike 2010. So both fall into the New Co2 rating system and to say that motorcycles are leisure vehicles in today's world of fuel pricing is ridiculous. The above example goes against the governments Green taxes. If the tax was based on Co2 emissions then motorcycle manufacturers would improved MPG.
G Connolly