Ford S-Max 2.0tdci - S-Max diesel poor starting a flywheel problem? - peteispo

My S-Max is having problems starting first time. It often takes a couple of goes to get it running, although I can sometimes short-cut the problem by applying a little accelerator just after the motor turns over.

My regular dealer has diagnosed it as a problem with the dual-mass flywheel (I thought it was just the glow plugs not warming up properly) and wants up to £1500 to change it all.

Now, this car is a 56-plate with 73000 miles on it, so the flywheel might be the problem, but I certainly haven't noticed any of the other common symptoms of a failing DMF (rough running or rattling/grinding noises)

Does their diagnosis sound right, or should I go somewhere else to have this looked at?

Ford S-Max 2.0tdci - S-Max diesel poor starting a flywheel problem? - ddr

Flywheel causing poor starting? Sounds unlikely.

Get a second opinion. More likely to be EGR valve gunged up or similar.

Ford S-Max 2.0tdci - S-Max diesel poor starting a flywheel problem? - craig-pd130

Agree with the above, much more likely to be a faulty temp sensor or similar.

If the starter motor isn't screeching or grinding like you've missed a gear when you start, it's highly unlikely to be a flywheel problem

Ford S-Max 2.0tdci - S-Max diesel poor starting a flywheel problem? - bikerider

bad starting can be a symptom of DMF problems. i know i had exactly the same problem with my focus

Ford S-Max 2.0tdci - S-Max diesel poor starting a flywheel problem? - Peter D

The construction of a DMF is such that the primary flywheel is bolted directly to the crank shaft onto which the starter ring is mounted. So a faulty DMF does not cause bad starting." target="_blank">

Take a look here. Regards Peter

Ford S-Max 2.0tdci - S-Max diesel poor starting a flywheel problem? - Collos25
Do you mean the startermotor engages but fails to turn the engine in which case a faulty flywheel ring gear is possible normally cured by turning the flywheel a quarter turn.