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GWM/ 2.2i petrol engine D/C - Overheating - ashtonwilson

I have a 2009 GWM 2.2i petrol driven double cab. it has done 23000 km and is driven only by myself and is well cared for. I have a problem with the engine overheating. under nornal conditions there is no problem except that the overflow to the overflow tank does not all return to the radiator. Recently on a trip the temp started to rise qnd eventually boil, it was a cool morning and the road flat. The temp gauge would rise to boiling and return to normal in about 30 seconds I have had to vehicle into the agents but could find no faults. The fan resistor appears to have failed as sealing compound has melted out.Replaced fan unit with resistor but resistor still gets very hot. Cannot touch it. Have replaced thermostat and radiator cap. Any suggestions.

GWM/ 2.2i petrol engine D/C - Overheating - Peter.N.

Try running it without the thermostat as a temporary measure, if that cures it either you have a faulty new stat or the pump is not circulating the coolant for some reason.

GWM/ 2.2i petrol engine D/C - Overheating - Collos25

Surely its still under warranty,resistors do get very hot thats normal.Five things normally can cause a overheating problem headgasget,thermostat,waterpump,airlocks and fan take you pick.

GWM/ 2.2i petrol engine D/C - Overheating - sumpnut

Check your coolant is the correct mixture strength as it raises the boiling point . If you have been topping up with plain water because of loss it may be weak. I have had an engine with a weak mixture boil before the thermostat had chance to open.
