Peugeot 306 1.4 - Red STOP light - gavmoffat

Hi all

Driving along today the big red STOP light came on my 306. I checked the oil and coolant levels, checked it wasn't overheating, and the car seemed completely fine when driving but light wouldn't go off.

Later in the journey it did go off itself but came back on again. Car still drives perfectly.

Any ideas?

Peugeot 306 1.4 - Red STOP light - dieselnut

The stop light should have been accompanied by a smaller light indicating the faulty item.

Perhaps that bulb has blown so nothing is showing.

When you turn on the ignition all warning lights should illuminate for a few seconds, see if one is not lighting.

Check your brake fluid level.

Peugeot 306 1.4 - Red STOP light - gavmoffat

Thanks for response.

When I flick ignition on the oil light doesn't seem to appear, but I've plenty oil in the engine as it's near the top level on dipstick when I check. Brake fluid was also fine. Is there another way to check if warning lights are functioning?

Took it out for a drive there and STOP light had gone anyway, think I'll do the traditional 306 "forget about it and eventually it goes away" repair!

Peugeot 306 1.4 - Red STOP light - Peter.N.

If your oil light is not coming on I would suggest you check/change the pressure switch as I am sure you are aware of the cosequences of running with no oil pressure. I know its not likely to happen, but if it did ....

Peugeot 306 1.4 - Red STOP light - jc2

Earth the wire to the pressure sender-does the oil pressure light come on?-if not,check the bulb;then replace the sender if necessary.