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Mazda 3ts - What exactly is a short engine? - barry&ann

Has anyone out there had a similar problem? I bought a brand new Mazda ts petrol thats been ticking/clattering since only 800mls. After 5000mls and 5 attempts at repairs they got mazda tech,who finally said it was piston slap! and would recommend a short engine. What exacly is this? i'm hoping its an all new engine unit from the factory. Surely there must be a problem with dvla and engine no;s on log book.? Should i accept this or insist on a refund?

Mazda 3ts - What exactly is a short engine? - Peter D

A short engine is a Block with crank and pistons, No head and everything is then taken from your old ending to build the complete unit. I would not go down this route and I am suprised that Mazda have suggested it. Have you explored rejecting the car with the dealer. Regards Peter

Mazda 3ts - What exactly is a short engine? - barry&ann

Thanks Peter, Yes, after the 4th attempt at repairs (they thought it was a faulty driveshaft as it was 'weeping) it was'nt. I said i have been patient, but had had enough and wanted a full refund or a new car,as it was'nt my fault that a year had passed. This was ignored and was told the best way was a 5th try as mazda said its a tappet gap issue. I agreed as apparently i have to give them a fair chance at repair !! After 2 weeks got car back,no change. Yet another 4 weeks had visit from mazda field technician who diagnosed piston slap, and said that it is'nt causing damage but would put in a report for a short engine because i told him that it was embarrassing for me,as my neigbours from hell find the noise from the car amusing! I hate the thought of them pulling a brand new engine apart, but I don't know what to do next as i dont have the money to fight them in court. Regards Barry

Mazda 3ts - What exactly is a short engine? - craig-pd130

How soon into your period of ownership did you first report this?

The fact that the Mazda dealer has tried to fix it 4 times shows a long history of the fault being present.

I'd say you've got a strong case for rejecting the car and getting a replacement / refund, as it seems you reported the problem was present within 6 months of getting the car.

See here for more details: http://www.honestjohn.co.uk/faq/consumer-rights/

Mazda 3ts - What exactly is a short engine? - barry&ann

Bought the car 31-12-09, the noise started in April at about 800 mls. 1st repair was in May. further 'repairs were weeks/months apart because they said they were waiting for a courtesy car for me, ( i live 25 miles from the dealer in horsham) I did manage to get a printout of the car 'repair' within the 6mths! Thanks Craig, Regards Barry

Mazda 3ts - What exactly is a short engine? - craig-pd130

Agree with the poster above, this needs a complete new, fully warranted replacement engine, or a rejection / refund.

If piston slap has developed, it means the cylinder bores have worn unevenly and prematurely, or the piston skirts are already worn, or both. In any case, there's a very real risk that metal fragments are in the cylinder head oilways etc, which could cause further problems in the future.

A short engine replacement is what you might consider on an older 3rd hand car that you're running on a budget, NOT on a nearly-new Mazda.

Edited by craig-pd130 on 21/03/2011 at 12:00

Mazda 3ts - What exactly is a short engine? - barry&ann

Thanks Craig, i didn't think about possible metal fragments causing further problems. Consumer advice says i have to give them a chance to repair, there's always weeks or months between each 'repair' which is why it is a year old, but mazda will probably say i have had it all this time, why have you accepted it ! Regards Barry

Mazda 3ts - What exactly is a short engine? - Med

Hi Barry,

Even though your problem was completely different to my on-going case with Mazda, you are entitled to reject it. You shouldn't have a problem to reject it in the first 6 months for being a defective car / unrepairable. You've got plently of options, when Mazda dealer have your car in their garage and they tell you the same story, leave you're car there and tell them you don't want it back because you're rejecting it.

Do everything in writing & recorded delivery, the posts above are correct - read your rights:


A quick question: Do you have legal insurance?

Mazda 3ts - What exactly is a short engine? - barry&ann

Hi Med, the problem started within 6mths, consumer rights said i have to give them 'chances' which has taken 5 tries up till now, almost 1yr! Unfortunately 'Lifestyle Mazda' are 25mls away in Horsham and I'm a full time carer of my mother who's 96 with severe dimensea, so my only car is needed. They're not saying its unrepairable (i wish they would) but so far they may be fitting a 'short' engine. They won't admit of course that it could cause other problems, metal swarf, dvla, engine nos., resale value and explaining the 2nd engine to a buyer etc. I assume you also had a customer welcome pack !! Yes, we do have legal assistance on the car ins, Thanks for your help and web info,very interesting, but so worried to start something i can't finish! Thanks Med, Regards, Barry