Hi All,
Turbo11 - you are right, people who have problems usually are the ones you see on websites complaining but that does not mean the problems should be brushed off - if the problem does not get fixed by the dealer when it should then people will pop online to find a solution and try and let everyone else know.
Most Mazda after mid 2005 production have a DPF system, so whilst on a minor scale i believe that your neighbour does not have the dreaded DPF unit fitted! In this case, type in google DPF Problems and it does not just relate to Mazda but all other makes. When the design first came out it was not implemented properly, being the technology was rushed and forced by the government.
I am still fighting my case against Mazda & will continue to do so until i prove the fault lies as an inherant defect. Most owners who have had issues which is in its thousands have paid for repairs to be carried out where they really shouldn't have. Mazda state for example that all DPF faults is because of the drivers style of driving.....
I'll give you an example....I had an engine run-away which simply put means the car lost control and sped up on its own. Fighting this for 2 years now & hearing many different reasons to why it happened, Mazda have finally came out with something......
You all know when to carry out your service right? are you aware that if you carry out something called "Regular start/stop driving" you should change you oil and oil filter every 6,250miles or less?? How the hell can you define regular driving?
Regular is not the same as frequent! Ok, so you travel from home to work and the distance is around 100 miles - you've noticed that on some days the traffic is ok and then some is bad but whereas we all know traffic can be spontanious....You've bought the diesel because you're carrying out long distance driving and it will work out cheaper for you,your getting stuck in approx 20 miles of traffic which is due from roadworks that hbave been planned to last for 1 or 2 years...this now means you're going to be doing "regular start/stop journeys" right?? which means you'll have to get your oil and oil filter changed every 6,250 miles or less.
What now happens if some days there are traffic and some days there are not? how would one know if they are carrying out regular start/stop driving or based in irregular? this is my argument, if Mazda for example were to state this as loud and as important as the usual 12,500 mile or 1 years service then i would have no leg to stand on.
Glad to hear your views.
Oh and, get a petrol - not a diesel...pre 2005 diesels, your ok.