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Mobile Phone Hacking - Ben 10

With all the recent hacking revelations in the press, I wondered how these journos managed to listen in to voice mails.

Did they need the number of the phone in question or did they use a device to" lock" on to that particular users phone? anyone know for sure.

Mobile Phone Hacking - bathtub tom

It would seem to me, they called the mobile and then entered the voicemail code that the 'phone had when new (1111 or similar). It may have been possible to guess the new code, if changed.

How many of your codes and passwords are default or easily guessed?

Mobile Phone Hacking - Ben 10

Yes, but how do they get the phone numbers in the first place. Surely the celebs and politicians would be guarded about handing out their numbers and change their numbers and phones on a regular business.

So either the numbers are sold by aquaintances, friends or colleagues or there is a device out there that can pull the numbers for them to hack into. If so, what kind of device is it.

Or maybe the numbers are sold by phone companies or rogue phone company employees. If that's the case then there is a massive can of worms ready to spill.

And if it's so easy, maybe we've all had our phones hacked into at some time.

Mobile Phone Hacking - piggy

<<And if it's so easy, maybe we've all had our phones hacked into at some time.>>

As Bathtub Tom says,only if the security codes are the default 1111. I doubt these hackers are going to bother indulging in an illegal activity to hack into the phones of proles like us. It`s a simple matter to change the codes anyway.

Mobile Phone Hacking - Dutchie

Not only mobile phones computer hacking landline phones cyberwarfare has been mentioned shuttind down vital systems.A few yearsr ago a lad from Bremen Germany fifteen years old managed to enter world security systems.

Mobile Phone Hacking - richardbettabus

"Or maybe the numbers are sold by phone companies or rogue phone company employees"

I think you've hit the nail right on the head.

Mobile Phone Hacking - Alexav

I'd say yes but I am not entirly sure

Mobile Phone Hacking - jamie745

Its common knowledge that mobiles are unsecured lines anyway. But what REALLY confuses me is who the hell would want to listen to John Prescott ordering a pizza?

"yeah well ill have two o' them, two, no three i suppose yeah three, and if ye throw eggs ill t*** yer in the face yer tory bastad!!!"

Mobile Phone Hacking - Ben 10

Its common knowledge that mobiles are unsecured lines anyway.

So how DO they listen in. And how do they access voice mail boxes?