I just tried the feature - a journey of ~44 miles - 80-90% A-road dual carriageway, 'standard' car (I have a Mondeo 2l diesel) & fuel type diesel @ £1.34 litre estimated cost:
£8.61 - utterly inaccurate!
If I really 'try' to drive uneconomically on this route my consumption is about 45mpg - (it's usually nearer 55mpg) , so even @ 45mpg & diesel @ £1.34 litre that's £6.03
Either they're 'standard' cars are Hummer sized, or their algorithm (which won't be complicated, let's face it..) is simply wrong.
There's no indication that is for round trip, so I assume it's from 'A to B' only.
So, nice try Google - but back to the drawing board I think!
Edited by woodbines on 21/01/2011 at 08:35