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ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - oldun

Car had stood for 3 weeks whilst waiting for snow to disappear, came to start it and it started up fine.

Left it to warm up for 5 minutes, got into drivers seat, I touched nothing and the engine died on me.

Have fuel in tank and good battery.

No fuel leaks anywhere on the engine.

Car runs beautifully normally and have never had a provblem with it since I bought it 4 years ago, it has 130K on the clock.

I have so far released the fuel pipe on the in side of the filter(rhside of filter). have cranked engine and no fuel from this pipe, I have inserted a tube into the fuel pipe and sucked through fuel so no blockage there.

Have checked all fuses, but don't know about relays.

Some say there are 2 pumps on this car, electric and mechanicxal, some say it's on the injector pump.

Before I decided not to use the car I covered the engine with an old coat, I thought I might have dislodged a wire, but have looked fairly thoroughly and seems all in tact, can you help please?

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - jc2

There is NO electric pump.

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - mrnikko

I collected a Focus a bit ago that did the same thing it turned out to be the coil pack was the problem

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - jc2

There is NO coilpack on a diesel.

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - Avant

Moved to Technical, where I hope you'll get some constructive help.

I'm no expert, but if it started, ran awhile and then died, a fuel feed problem sounds most likely.

Edited by Avant on 16/12/2010 at 20:08

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - wafer
I had a similar problem quarter tank of diesel car ticked over for five minutes then stalled and would not restart . I removed the same pipe on fuel filter and primed system by pressurising up fuel tank through filler nozzle by wrapping a carrier bag around air line to give a partial seal. A mate watched at the filter with some rags and hey presto it was primed. Initial smoke out the exhaust was blue/White but cleared after a few minutes. Car was also in limp home mode only revving to 3000 rpm but on restart all ok.
ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - fordman1

Isn't there an issue with leaving a diesel stood for long periods with fuel in the tank?

If I remember correctly a bacteria develops in the fuel tank? Would this have a bearing on the problem?

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - tdc

Compressed air and diesel fuel;Bacteria in the tank....this is getting interesting!

Must admit have done that pressurised tank priming trick a few times and it has always worked for me too.

Have cut the tops out of several old diesel tanks to find a terrible slimy mess,so bacteria suggestion fits with me.Takes a bit of cleaning out with rags then silicon RTV +drill& rivet a panel back on top.

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - oldun

I like this idea and will try it, I have an air compressor and will try pressurising the tank.

So no electric pump then?..serves me right for asking a Ford agent doesn't it?

So it's mechanical and is it hard to get at?..is it expensive is the next question?

Since writing a guy said the fuel line may have froze and the 5 mins of running was what was in the line, lift pump and injector pump then empty, hey presto engine stopped.

Fuel line is now clear as I have managed to suck it through, will now try the pressurisation..Great guys...and yes I bet there is sludge in there as it's now 11 years old.

As the man in black said, I will be back!

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - oldun

..just received this reply:-


Might be the fuel tank sender pump has failed, or its relay, or the earth to the pump or the relay. That's why it started with the fuel in the system, then stopped when no more came through.'

Does this then mean there IS A PUMP in the tank and it is ELECTRIC?..someone said there wasn't in an earlier post?...confused as just heard over telephone there's an electric in the tank and mechanical on the engine?

If a relay at fault, anyone know which one it is, can find fuse and okay and in tact but cannot ascertain which of the relays operate the pump, or is it the injection pump that has a stop on it......

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - oldun

sorry chaps but back again!

can anyone describe the fuel system to me, how it works from putting fuel into the tank to when it gets finally injected into the cylinders, I am plain confused?..can u also explain what electrical modules/relays are used and why?

I am on my 60's and 4 years ago I worked in a garage, the diesel system then was as follows:-

tank, fuel through lines, mechanical lift pump off engine, into filter that we blead air from then into in line injector pump, off through pipes to injectors...it would seem we have now come a long way from this system and has only confused us all and put loads of money into garages hell bent on conning us at every turn

I will not take my car to a garage that does not know HOW it works which over the telephone to book it in seems so obvious, so they play and charge me for playing!

Any experienced help would be very grateful as it's now getting very FRUSTRATING IN THIS VERY COLD WEATHER!..happy Xmas!

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - oldun

..previous post should have said 40 years ago and not 4 years?

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - jc2

It's not an old in-line Simms pump;it's a rotary pump-either Bosch or CAV Rotodiesel(similar to the CAV DPA of your days).It doesn't need a lift pump-it sucks fuel up from the tank (thro' the filter) itself and returns the excess to the tank.There is a solenoid on the pump wired into the ignition and immobilizer which shuts off the fuel supply.From the description of it starting and then stopping,it sounds as tho' the fuel supply to the pump was disturbed;ie. it started on what was in the pipe and pump.Later ones had an electric pump.

Edited by jc2 on 17/12/2010 at 17:06

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - Peter.N.

I would agree, I thought all Focus models had a common rail engine - but then it wouldn't be a 1.8, so I assume this engine has an injector pump - pipes from the pump to each injector, if so it doesn't have a tank pump, the fuel is drawn in by the transfer pump which is part of the injection pump as jc2 says.

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - oldun

Thanks jc2, so the lift pump is inside the injector pump then?..so it's mechanical then?

Okay I have now removed intercooler radiator and can now see the rotary pump as you described, I can see the pipes coming off the pump to the injectors and also two pipes leading to the filter which i have now renewed in case it was blocked. I take it these are one to draw the fuel from the tank via the filter and then the other to come back down to the injector pump to inject the fuel. I noted a fuel regulator on top of the filter, could this have any bearing on it at all, the other pipes I take it return any fuel over back to the tank,?

So where am I now, can I check the immobilizer and where on the pump is this?

How can I check the pump is sucking the diesel from the tank?...would it have much of a suction on the pipe at the pump and which one would it be, left or right on the injector pump?

I will also try one guys idea about pressurisong the tank, I suppose if that works the pump has definitely gone?

Good job I have two cars.

ford focus estate,diesel, 1.8litre, 1999 - Engine will not start - dieselnut

The lift pump inside the rotary injection pump isn't self priming, so if it gets air inside it will remain that way for ever & a day unless it is primed.

Pressurise the tank to get fuel flowing bubble free from the feed pipe to the injection pump then re-attach the pipe.

Keep pressurising the tank while you crank the engine, it should start after a few seconds.

Alternatively, remove the stop solenoid on the pump & again pressurise the tank, when bubble free fuel flows out, replace the solenoid & wire & it should start.