Good Evening,
Today I had my Range Rover stolen from my drive while the key was in it and the engine was running deicing for a whole 5 minutes. Which with hindsight was stupid!!!
During the ensuing panic, I found that the Range Rover may have had a tracker installed at some point. Following a number of calls to tracker they confirmed that it did indeed have a tracker installed.
I asked them to turn the tracker on and offerred to pay the premiums from the point it expired up to date. They have refused. I explained I was not aware that there was a tracker as it was a second hand car.
I have also contacted the police and asked them to assist me in this as it would A) Recover the car and B) would potentially help arrest the thiefs.
The Police sympathise but will not assist.
So I guess my question is
1) How can I insist or sweet talk Tracker into enabling the device so the Police can recover the car?
2) Is there any legal precedent on this type of situation as I cannot believe that there is a genuine oportunity to recove a 20K car, the owner is willing to pay the fees to tracker, the police have an oportunity to potentially arrest the thieves.
But no one seems to care!!
Any advice that you can give would be most apreciated.