it also shows how these 'part time 'traders can be dangerous,at if you go to a dealer forcourt you will pay more
The problem is AJ that most used car buyers won't pay more, they buy the type of car they are after at their chosen budget. Most would rather buy a "newer" car from a part time trader than an older one from a bona fide retailer.
I've made lots of comments on here about how untrustworthy car dealers are in general, but when you get to 7 year old plus, I would look to a long established family owned used car dealer who has been recomended to you rather than who is the cheapest.
Although if I'm being totally blunt (& not wishing to offend the OP) whilst traders SHOULD have a duty of care, anyone thinking a £600 car will be reliable in any way is either silly or naive. My kids will be starting driving in a few years time & until they (well me I guess!) can afford £2500 to spend then it's busses, trains & two legs for them; a £600 car is way too risky for me to let my kids in one.
Edited by bonzo dog on 08/12/2010 at 13:46