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Any - Tailgating - RaineMan

I have been trying to find some information on how many people are charged each year with "tailgating". The reason I ask it that most weekends I drive along a stretch of road that has a 30/40mph mix plus a number of speed cameras. It used to be 40/60 but was reduced following an accident that, I suspect, the lower limit would not have prevented. In reality the speed limit is rather on the low side for the road. The problem is that because people could drive faster just as safely there is a lot of tailgating on this stretch of road. The people doing this drive anything from a black cab to a flatbed lorry. Whilst many 100's of people have been fined for speeding I have not heard of anybody being done for tailgating which is potentially much more dangerous along that stretch of road.

Any - Tailgating - Dutchie

Hello Raineman,

Its a irritating offence which can cause accidents.I would like the answer you are asking,maybe drivers are cautioned by the police.

Any - Tailgating - over30
It is especially irritating when you have a 'Nissan Navara' sat a few meters behind you with 'ALL HEADLIGHTS + FRONT FOGS switched on!!' , trying to force you to approach junctions at high speed, then when you do stop at a junction they are trying to push you out!

If it is not illegal to tailgate someone then it jolly well should be!

It distracts the driver of the 'tailgated vehicle', who is too busy looking in the rear view mirror to see how close the 'ar****le behind them is!!

Its even more dangerous if the 'tailgator' is using a mobile phone at the same time!!
Any - Tailgating - galileo

Hello Raineman,

Its a irritating offence which can cause accidents.I would like the answer you are asking,maybe drivers are cautioned by the police.

What police? Round here traffic patrols are few and far between, because all the funding was spent on speed cameras, humps, chicanes, 100 yard stretches of cycle lane, large numbers of pelican crossings and a dense infestation of traffic lights.

The local authority was anti-motorist for many years, it is even now spending hundreds of thousands on two stretches of bus-lane, the works are causing congestion now and when finished will allow buses free flow for a few hundred yards from one bottleneck to the next, while delaying everything else more than ever.

I'd love to see traffic cops nailing tailgaters, but to coin a phrase, that will be the day!

Any - Tailgating - a900ss
I know it's wrong, I know it's silly and dangerous but when somebody tailgates me at lower speeds, I tend to drop into second gear and lift off the accelerator. Car slows quite quickly but no brake lights show. Most tailgators give me a bit more room thereafter.

PS. - you don't need to condemn me, I know it's wrong and dangerous.
Any - Tailgating - car67

I can't stand when people tailgate, and I second the foglights comment! Why oh why oh why?

Very dangerous when you are in the overtaking lane, and they push you up the road.

However, when I have encountered someone who seems to be desperate to have their car kiss mine, I actually pull in (if I can) then let them pass me. Then I come back into traffic again. This seems to be the best way (for me) not to get road rage. If they want to speed/in a hurry etc etc then I just let them get on with it.

Any - Tailgating - Dutchie

I moved over the other night let the tailgater go by.And it worked for me I am not fit enough for road rage.

Maybe Sigmund Freud had the answer I havent.

Any - Tailgating - tanvir

It really annoys me. Especially when I see it done to learner drivers. The amount of times I've 'shielded' a learner from a tailgater I cannot remember

Any - Tailgating - carr

Tailgating annoys me too, it's very difficult to just ignore it when someone is threatening your life and you can't always pull over.

I liked the bumper sticker "If I wanted you up my a*r*se, I'd kiss you first"

Any - Tailgating - emm
We were tailgated last night, 10.30pm, icy roads and i had two little ones in the back so was not going much over fifty. A car came racing up behind me and sat so close I could not see his headlamps in the mirror, I slowed so that he could go past - which he did and then slammed on his brakes and forced me to do the same, obviously - I backed off thinking he was just being a n*b but he just slowed further - as tempted as i was to gently nudge him with my big rubber A bar on my disco I didn't, I just put all my lights on full - so he put his rear fog lamp - lmao, it didn't make a difference to my vision. I began to get very very angry and felt as if he was putting my babies lives at risk - god help him when I spot his car in daylight parked up somewhere I wonder if he will bully me face to face as well.
It seems that encasing yourself in a metal box, or sat in front of a keyboard some people think they are exempt from being a human being and become a human animal :-/ shame. More entries for the Darwin awards i guess!
As for the police, I was asking my other half to get the number plate and call the police to report it and he said, waste of time as they'll just say it's our word against his and wont do anything... So I don't know what can be done.
Any - Tailgating - nortones2

Police can issue a S59 notice (Police Reform Act 2002) if the driver committed an offence under s.3 or s.34 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 which has caused alarm or distress to another. I know it's used because after a driver tried intimidation on me, the police interviewed him and served a S59 notice at home. Very upsetting for his Mum! Must say I was quite surprised at their diligence, but I suspect he was on their list of boy-racers. Next time he steps out of line, apparently his wheels will be seized. If you don't speak up, the police can take no action - perhaps the tailgater was under the influence, or driving a stolen car. At least give the police a chance to act is my view.

Edited by nortones2 on 27/11/2010 at 10:15

Any - Tailgating - emm
Your right nortones2 I hadn't thought of that. Good to know that they can and do use the law.
Any - Tailgating - Cymrogwyllt

A lot of tractors have the ideal anti tailgating kit:- that big spike sticking out of the back for carrying big bales. IWOOT

Any - Tailgating - Sofa Spud

I've noticed that tailgating is particularly bad where a lower speed limit has recently been introduced. It's as though impatient drivers think that because the limit is new, they have the right A) to break it, and B) to tailgate other drivers in order to try and get them to go faster too. This effect persists for months, or even a year or two after the limit has been introduced.