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307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - bigstring

Getting an error on the mrs 307hdi, "Diesel Filter Blocked" I hope some one can help, had it a week and just forked out £380 for a new clutch and a full service .......

Not really very happy right now!

Cant really afford to put any money in to the car right now with crimbo approaching...

Feels like there is no turbo at all, very sluggish to say the least and now getting the engine managment light on! can anyone help?

Found this - wbsatwestmount.blogspot.com/2...te-filter.html does this work? Peugeot 307 forum is s***e, no one helps anyone!

307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - ajs2

Just because you have a message does not mean that is the reall issue. I guess you have lack of fuel pressure.

Normally the filter gets changed every 3rd oil change as per service shedule. If thats not the case change the filter.

Unfornately just because you not have the funds does not mean the care does not need fixing.

307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - madf

Just bought, spent >£300 on new clutch, now error codes?

Get the dealer to refund your money...

307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - injection doc
I guess you maen the DPMF is blocked, Find a good indy who can test the EPT readings and confirm a blocked DPMF and may be able to pressure wash backwards.
Jobs about 800 quid at peugeot
307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - bigstring

They have a pot of Eolys to help the Diesel filter out with soot build up, do you know how long this last's?

307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - injection doc
I think it 60-70K they also foul up if it does lots of local short trips.
Oh the joys of motoring
307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - bigstring

The Joys of a French car!

307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - bigstring

Took it to Peugeot this afternoon - turned out to be the Fuel cap and Sensor??????

and the people that fitted the new clutch knocked a line for the turbo off!

307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - bigstring

I have done but it has nothing to do with the clutch so say?

307hdi, - "Diesel Filter Blocked" I - bigstring

Diesel Filter Blocked - is not the fuel filter buddy!