do you reckon? :-D - i mean as i understand it they shouldnt have registered it yet...on our other v5's it is identical and we are the registered keepers for that.
The thing is, if i back out of it now which i am tempted to do i would usually lose my £300 deposit, but the fact its now registered and shouldnt be, maybe i could use it as a bargaining position to sign the car back over to them or buy it cheaper for having more owners?!?
Beware advice here, it might be the manager of Motorpoint replying......................
Keeper is not owner!
how is it determined who is the owner then? and can my name as the 'keeper' be removed at all from the v5? - i.e. that would show 2 previous owners as its been registered by them first and now my name
Make sure if you do have it that you note the time and date of delivery... you could end up getting clobbered for speeding tickets/parking tickets etc!
Thats a very good point actually. I will keep that date to hand if i decide on it.
So am i effectively classed as the 2nd owner of the car now no matter what the dealer does or what i decide to do?
"i got the vehicles V5 registration document through unexpectidly with me specified as the new registered keeper without seeing the vehicle as agreed."
Doesn't that make you the first keeper of the car? (There is mention of the term 'owner' on the V5.)
Ooops! Should read mention of owner...
Thats what i mean. Will i appear as the 2nd 'keeper' on the V5 then