Daughter in law got hit by another driver, exchanged details etc etc, last Friday. Today, the insurance company of the person who hit her phoned to try and resolve things direct. It's her first knock, and a while since I had such an experience, so don't know why they are hassling her? She asked if they would speak to me about the matter, and took a contact name and call back number and asked me to call them tomorrow, which I will do.
But why would the other parties insurance company want to deal direct? What is there to be wary of? Thanks for any points you can help with.
PS her car is old, but still legally driveable and she needs it for work. It is almost certainly a write off, but she cannot afford for the Insurer to take it for assessment, then write it off and not give it back or a hire car, and then force her to rush to get a replacement.