It's like when people complain that the supermarkets are destroying local traders; they are not! It is the public choosing NOT to shop at the locals that are destroying them.
Can't agree with that - a gross over-simplification. The planners have in effect handed a near monopoly to one or other of the big chains in many small towns.
Of course the comment from Tescburys or whoever is always the same - "people choose to shop with us".
The point that's missed is that if only 25% of the people who use the local baker/butcher/fishmonger defect to the new supermarket, that's enough to close the small businesses, then the supermarket gets the lot. Result - no choice but the supermarket, and all because they offer to build a roundabout and a car park. But we pay for it, boy do we pay.
A bizarre result of this is that there is now more choice in small owns in sp a r s e ly populated areas that are too small to attract the big boys. But it won't last, now they have started on the sub 2000sqft convenience stores.
Much the same has happened with Sky. Do you think it's possible now to set up in competition with them?
Edited by Manatee on 20/11/2010 at 21:34