Sure, warranty is warranty and Sale of Goods Act is Sale of Goods Act.
They take a hard line with extended warranties, so dealer clowns (on the whole) can service/repair your vehicle and they can screw you for even more money. Excuse my cynicism, although, I feel it is well justified.
I have written five letters in exchanges with Ford customer services and their Technical department. They don't answer the majority of your questions. The standard of their English is, well, 'hurried' and waffly; so much so that you don't understand the point that they are trying to convey in defence of this stupid ABS unit. All they do is state that the warranty has expired - 'so tough luck'!
I've washed my hands of trying to squeeze a dime from Ford, so it’s with the credit card company. Wish me luck! At least VW has offered goodwill recently. I’m led to believe the only charge is 50% labour costs. Preferable to £1300, I think.
I believe that the true test of a product/service is the after-sales support. It may have been fun times for you and your Ford up until till now, but I hope to God that you never have a problem that requires good customer service from said company. Then you're screwed.
By the way, my local Ford dealer doesn't know how to do an oil change.
Maybe my standards and expectations are too high?