I had an incident some time back, whereby my parked and unattended car was nudged and pushed backwards sufficiently to make contact with another parked vehicle behind. I was sure that my handbrake was wokring properly, but it was an old car so who knows... Anyway, this caused damage to the vehicle parked behind mine - though amazingly mine was somehow undamaged at the point where it had been nudged - and the car responsible was covered in dings anyway, no suprises, so it was a tricky situation. I came to my car the next morning to find it hard up against the car behind and with a note on the windscreen from the disgruntled owner. This was the first I knew of it all. Thankfully, the driver who had done the damage admitted liability once I had pointed out the situation to him, but by this time the matter had been reported, and I also ended up with a letter stating I was being done for Careless Driving, Failure to Report and, laughably, Failure to Stop - despite my car being parked in situ! Says it all really, overly eager plods with boxes that need to be ticked... Anyway, once an explanation had been given to the owner of the other damaged car, she informed the Police and the matter was dropped and dealt with through insurance. So, the upshot is, can the other driver in your case not simply inform the Police of the situation, and allow common sense to prevail?!