Mazda 6 2008 - Recall on my car whilst in production - Med

Hey guys, Morning. A very quick question.

For those of you who are unaware of the issue i am having with my car, i had an engine run-away which simply means my car hit max revvs on its own accord. Mazda are simply blaming me for not checking oil levels when i specifically told them i do according to the handbook.

Ok, the case has been going on for over a year now and yesterday i have just found out from VOSA what Mazda have failed to tell me after many letters asking them about a recall for the same issue which was introduced to Mazda 6's with a build end date of 2008, which left my car in that frame.

I signed all agreements in the Mazda dealer when i first ordered the car in April 2008, and i was due to recieve the car about 1 month after that date, but they delayed this until September 2008 which meant i would have the (58) plate, at the time i thought ok perhaps thats worth the wait - Mazda were extremely reluctant to tell me why it had such a delay so i left it. VOSA yesterday confirmed with me that my car had the recall works carried out on it whilst it was in production but that means it would have already been under my name.

Where do i stand in regards to asking Mazda for all documents including what works they carried out and why this recall was neccessary directly specifying documents on my vehicle of what they changed or modified. Only reason i am asking is because now VOSA are reluctant to do anything more in my case because there has only been a few complaints but the problem is near enough exact to why 15,000 Mazda 6's got recalled.

They obviously know they had a problem, refuse to tell me why the car was delayed, and they are still telling me this is my fault!

The recall is here:

Any ideas? have i got legal rights under the freedom of information act whether my car is under dispute or not to have these recall documents including all technical info to why they recalled?

Any help is GREATLY appreciated as i am coming to the end of my tether with this case.

Mazda 6 2008 - Recall on my car whilst in production - LucyBC

It wouldn't normally be done under an FOI request but under disclosure of documents pending litigation. Are you already going down the legal route?

Mazda 6 2008 - Recall on my car whilst in production - rtj70

If the car had the same work done on it during production that was done on cars (like mine) via a recall, then it's not a recall though is it? You don't recall cars that haven't been built yet so Mazda will not have recalled those chassis numbers.

Now maybe the problem is your car didn't have this work done on it but should have.

Mazda 6 2008 - Recall on my car whilst in production - Med

Hey guys, thanks for your reply.

VOSA are telling me that it had the same works as the recall before it got delivered to me. I am indeed still going down the legal route and waiting for my solicitor to get an approval of an internal inspection. She told me once i get this back we can then take them to court but i would have to wait a minumum of 1 year on average for a date! is this right?

The only reason i ask about this recall and if the works had been done is because of that huge 6 months delay, like you said maybe my car didnt have the works carried out but should have which is why Mazda are so reluctant on telling me at first it did have that recall fix carried out on it.

The engine run-away is just so similar! One thing i found is that even though my engine oil levels were over the X mark and it was contaminated by diesel then if that caused the problem i wouldnt be able to turn my engine off - just a quick google on "engine run-away" brings up youtube videos of cars not being able to turn off because the car is purley running on the engine oil.

This recall that all 15,000 cars got a PCM update had this engine run-away issue and all could turn their engines off when needed. This is why now i need to find out proof if they actually have carried the works out. VOSA found this from Mazda just by giving them my registration plate so the car must have been built and ready to be shipped then they decided to do the works (if they have done any).

Even though i am going through the litigation process with the Mazda selling dealer then i should still be entitled to all and any documents Mazda Motors UK Ltd hold on my car right? Also, it has been over 2 months now where Mazda have not giving my solicitor my job cards!

Mazda 6 2008 - Recall on my car whilst in production - rtj70

You don't mean your oil level was over X though do you. The dip stick has Low, Full and X. When the oil gets to X you need to get the oil changed immediately. If it's over X then you've ignored the Mazda instructions and risked destroying the engine. I assume you mean the oil was above F but below X?

One thing a previous member on here said to me about this problem was if you really checked the oil level frequently and it suddenly went from Full to X then the engine must have been pumping diesel into the oil sump past the seals.

Edited by rtj70 on 19/08/2010 at 13:26

Mazda 6 2008 - Recall on my car whilst in production - Med

That is what i mean - i check my oils every week and read the handbook! it says period checks of the oil are neccessary. But the week that this happened to me i must have easily travelled 1,000 miles but even Mazda are not answering my simple question of:

You ask us to check our oils on a period basis (weekly) so you must be averaging on a set amount of miles the average person carries out per week. What is the mileage limit? i.e. if i were to travel 3,000 miles in 1 week the oil levels might be rising but i dont have to check them because you state periodically (weekly).

I have emphasised this to Mazda that i check my oil levels every week, and mostly any time i do a long journey. The oil is over the X mark, have a look here i have pictures:

This is the whole reason i am going to get this inspection, there must have been a leak somewhere or for some reason if the dpf was failing (no record of this) then diesel would have kept being added as the additive thinking that everything is ok.

It cannot be normal for a 62% oil to diesel contamination can occur even if a driver didnt check his/hers oil levels.

The stink of the diesel is noticable as soon as you open the oil cap.

Mazda 6 2008 - Recall on my car whilst in production - rtj70

This is why your car is likely to have a different problem. It has probably kept pumping diesel into the oil until it led to this problem. I mentioned above someone who used to post on here saying this and he was/is very knowledgeable when it comes to car problems.

I am surprised you have not had an independent inspection before now.

Mazda 6 2008 - Recall on my car whilst in production - Med

I couldnt have an internal inspection done on it until now because at first Mazda only agreed to an inspection to be carried out by an AA/RAC expert but we then found out they wont take this kind of work on, then to try and get acceptance from all sides for an independant strip down of whom is qualified to write up reports for court led to the delays in them writing back to us.

Every time my solicitor writes a letter to Mazda, it takes them at least 1 month to reply back and when they do reply its not the answers to what we have asked. So if you can imagine, going through that one the 1st paragraph then onto this.. how long it takes.

Legally i know it shouldnt take that long but its obvious that Mazda are playing a delay tactic hoping i go away.