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M23 this morning. - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Anyone else get caught?

I left at 7am and did 14 miles in 2 hours.

Normally takes me about 15 minutes.

*Surely* one or two lanes could be left open...
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
M23 this morning. - Steve S
What actually crashed?
M23 this morning. - Robbo
Yep, I got caught good and proper too. Seems to be a familiar pattern emerging recently. No matter how small the accident, "they" seem all too quick to close the motorway completely, with little or no regard for the ensuing chaos that this action causes for tens of thousands of motorists, and hundreds of thousands of local residents who have to put up with motorists trying to avoid the jam on the motorway, but causing gridlock on the surrounding minor roads. Seems to me that focus has shifted away from the previous practice of getting a lane clear so that some traffic can at least get past. These days, "they" just want to shut the whole bl**dy lot down. I would place a lot of Toads money on the fact that this is all building up to a "New Govenment Initiative" which will "aim to keep at least one lane of the motorway open after an accident". anyone want to take the bet ? :-)
M23 this morning. - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Robbo - I agree!!! I've never know the m23 close before. Now it's twice in 3 months.

"What crashed" - A lorry swerved to avoid the car and took out the central reservation spilling it's load.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
M23 this morning. - Peter
Just to assure you that you are not alone. A lorry crash on the M4 last Friday am. caused a logjam of traffic back from jct 18 to jct 10. The west bound lanes where still stationary at 1700hrs. Whether it went back that far I do not know as I got off at jct 16. The local paper seemed to think so. Whatever, the local constabulary seemed conspicuous in their absence. As you say how many manhours lost and fuel wasted because of poor traffic management strategies.
M23 this morning. - Clear Spot
Had to abandon the M1 southbound on Sat afternoon at Jnct 12 and head cross country to A1 in order to get to London. Don't know what caused that. Didn't see any sign of the law.
M23 this morning. - Mark (RLBS)

And you're right, I couldn't see any sign of the law helping repair the road either. Not even digging a hole.
M23 this morning. - Toad, of Toad Hall.
And you're right, I couldn't see any sign of the law
helping repair the road either. Not even digging a hole.

Since the load was not hazardous I don't think it's unreasonable to expect out of a total 8 lanes (inc. hard shoulder) that one south and one north carriageway could be cleared with a 20mph speed limit.

It would have relieved so much pressure on the A23 this morning.

Incidently, digging holes may be beneath them but they certainly seemed happy enough to let a tart in a Nissan Micra smash into the car in front of her in the stop start mayhem.

Why is it better to colide with a car in front than speed???

Answers on a postcard to "The guy with the stiff neck in front of the tart in the micra this morning. SW1 3EW".
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
M23 this morning. - Mark (RLBS)
'scuse me ? I was talking about the M1.
M23 this morning. - Clear Spot
Re - M1 - Observed interesting behaviour from a MacDonalds delivery truck straddling 1 part of slow lane and 3 parts of hard shoulder thus deliberately preventing escaping stream of cars up the hardshoulder to Junct 12. Upholder of the law or just plain ???.?
M23 this morning. - Toad, of Toad Hall.
\'scuse me ? I was talking about the M1.

Yeah but I tend to reply to the last post to keep my posts at the bottom in list view where they tend to get read.

I just happened to spot the hole bit and included it.

On topic for M1:
I saw the only policewoman bike rozzer I\'ve ever seen on the M1. Another tame rozzer (not DVD) told me her name.

When it\'s her turn to join the victimisation of the Toad family friends and aquaintances we\'ll be on first name terms.

[snip] don\'t go too far Toad. Mark.

These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
M23 this morning. - M.M
>>[snip] sorry Middleman. Still, this must be a first for you !! Mark

Sounds like you\'ve found the future Mrs Toad...just made for each other.


M23 this morning. - Toad, of Toad Hall.
>>[snip] sorry Middleman. Still, this must be a first for you
!! Mark
Sounds like you\'ve found the future Mrs Toad...just made for each

We'd never be stuck for something to talk about!

I couldn't face tottie that was quicker than me on a bike though!
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
M23 this morning. - Mark (RLBS)
>>I couldn't face tottie that was quicker than me on a bike though!

I had to face the fact that my sister was faster than me on a bike, and probably always would be.

I went out on a bike with her a year or so ago. Never, ever again. Not ever.
M23 this morning. - The Watcher
Aparently if you 'complain' about the police closuring the lanes on the motorway, you are being anti police according to some.

trouble is, when you have miles and miles of cars stuck going nowhere due to the police closing the lanes, the police MUST take some form of responsibility for it.

To me, the police are closing lanes for far too long without any responsibility.
M23 this morning. - Fullchat
No the responsibility lies firmly at the feet of the plank/s who initiated the chaos!
M23 this morning. - Toad, of Toad Hall.
No the responsibility lies firmly at the feet of the plank/s
who initiated the chaos!

Who won't be prosecuted for crashing while 95 in a clear NSL gets the full weight of the law.

I refuse to believe that 4 lanes of both carriageways needed to be closed. Surely even with two wheels on th egrass cars could have go round one at a time. Just that trickle alone would have saved some of the agony of the M23.

Gatwick airport was practically shut down yesterday morning. Crew couldn't get there and nor could passengers.

Mark: Yet to be beaten on the bike - girlies have beaten me sailign though. ;-(
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
M23 this morning. - PhilW
Must say I have great sympathy with those of you who have to negotiate these motorways to get to work or even to do your work. 5 Live traffic news in the morning and evening might as well just say that all motorways have severe traffic queues at all times. I thought of you as I drove my 5 miles along rural roads this morning and got held up by temporary traffic lights for about 30 seconds (I was third car in the queue)! Mind you - what can we expect? Shots on that Ford programme tonight showed a 3-lane M1 being opened in the '60s - wasn't it recognisable as exactly the same 3- lane M1 I drove down last week - 40 years later? The cars were slightly different though, as was the volume of traffic!! The cars were obviously much faster in those days though!!
M23 this morning. - BrianW
"wasn't it recognisable as exactly the same 3- lane M1 I drove down last week - 40 years later? "

This is a point I have made before.
Absolutely no road transport provision has been made for the economic growth over the last four decades.
M23 this morning. - PhilW
Oh, and after driving down the M1 intending to take the A14 to Cambridge I found the A14 closed eastwards. All I could see was a couple of (road repair?) trucks on the slip road. Why is it closed and might it be open this weekend?
M23 this morning. - LHM
......I found the A14 closed eastwards.......

Having to commute on this stretch of the A14, Phil, I can assure you that you weren't singled out for special treatment!!