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Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - FastShow
OK, I did post something about this in another Transport 2000 thread, but it kinda got lost among the other posts. As posted on another site:

I was thinking about knocking together a spoof-type T2K site, but basically one that's pro-motorist rather than anti-. The domains www.transport2000.co.uk and www.transport2k.[anything] are all available, so thought it might be amusing to stick something on one of those. I've already registered www.transport2k.co.uk and www.transport2k.com to get started on.

Basically it would just need to put across the motorists point of view for once - but it could be amusing at the same time. Reckon it shouldn't be too difficult to get a bit of support going as well, especially with Clarkson's pretty famous dislike of the group.

Anyway, I'm willing to foot the bill for domains and hosting for the time being, I'd just need a bit of help with content and wondered if; a) anyone thought this was even approaching a good idea and; b) if anyone would be interested in helping out.

That's it for now.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - BrianW
I think it's a brilliant idea, especially registering transport2000.co.uk, even if only to deny them the use of it.

I am more than willing to supply ideas for content, although my web page authoring skills are non-existent at the moment.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - FastShow
I didn't actually register the www.trasnport2000.co.uk domain yet, simply because I'm not entirely sure how I'd stand legally. I'll look into it and get it checked out though.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - madf
I'd be delighted to write on the government economics of car owning versus railways or air. That would be an eye opener!
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - FastShow
Knocked together a quick demo site here (lots of it was shamelessly stolen from a freeware template, I'll admit that now) - needs tidying up and the images swapping for some of my own, but the idea's there.

Now just need some content.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Hurman

Have you been cutting and pasting from the real thing....you naughty boy!!!!

Super idea - doubt they, T2K, could have you for reserving the domain transport2000. I do think it might be worth coming up with your own name, e.g. Road User 2000. Get some names behind you, J.C and others and watch it fly!!
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Clear Spot
Great idea -
Out of interest and for amusement - it reminds me of when PriceWaterhouseCoopers were going to change the name of their consultancy arm to 'Monday' and set up a website to promote the fact. Introducingmonday.com
so see www.introducingmonday.co.uk/
They changed their mind.

Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - FastShow
Have you been cutting and pasting from the real thing....you naughty

Nah, it's nothing like their site - their's sucks. :p

You could be right about the name thing, might be worth forming an entirely separate group I suppose, but as it stands, until more people get on board, I'm not going to have enough time to do anything like that.

For the time being I'll stick to knocking together a spoof T2000 site - if it takes off in any way, maybe I'll look at doing a bit more with it.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
This could be a very useful tool to expose the real motives of T2000.

BUT, if it's anything less than sensible, it will defeat itself.

T2000 site is www.transport2000.org.uk, and anyone searching would go for transport2000.co.uk.

Better get a move on, though, we have spies in our midst.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - FastShow
www.transport2000.co.uk duly registered. I must admit, that's the first URL I typed in whilst I was looking for their official site.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Blue {P}
I think this is a brilliant idea, having looked at T2000's site their name does not appear to be registered or a trademark, so we have no problem in registering www.transport2000.co.uk but like Paul says, there stands a good chance to be T2000 sympathisers watching so we had better be careful...

Nobody here works for one of the bus or rail companys behind T2000 do they? :)
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
"Nobody here works for one of the bus or rail companys behind T2000 do they? :)"

Nah.....they all live in caves and haven't encountered electricity yet.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Blue {P}
Hmm.. shame they discovered the wheel then...
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Hurman
..........and diesel!!
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Flat in Fifth
You do realise that Transpurt2000 could register say www.honestjohn.org or something similar and make us all out to be a raving set of bean eating sandal wearing anti car fascists.

Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Blue {P}
Depends, they may be able to do that, but I would imagine that the HJ name is a trademark of some description as HJ has it on his books etc.

T2000 on the other hand produce no such material and carry out no function in life to advance the human race, they just clog our clean air with their dirty diesel buses. :)
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Tom Shaw
No need to worry about that. The one thing these people lack above all is any sense of humour.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Paul Mykatz-Tinks

But, but, but.........Michael Palin is their President
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Paul Mykatz-Tinks

Hang on a minute, he's a lumberjack.....and he's Ok.

Doesn't that clash with eco-nuttery?
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Obsolete
No need to worry about that. The one thing these people lack above all is any sense of humour.

Oh. I thought the site was satire ...
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Hurman
More like a black comedy....
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Boff
Anyway, I'm willing to foot the bill for domains and hosting
for the time being, I'd just need a bit of help
with content and wondered if; a) anyone thought this was even
approaching a good idea and; b) if anyone would be interested
in helping out.
That's it for now.

Sounds like a really good idea, count me in! As this thread is likely to disappear after a while, assuming it doesn't get 'moderated' in the meantime, perhaps a dedicated forum should be set up elsewhere?


My wife says I never listen to her, or something like that
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - PhilDews
Count me in also - perhaps we should setup a mailing list/forum and get a list of people who have expressed an interest. For the record my skills include web design and marketing (along with many others...!)

Hands up who is going to take charge?

A brief profile of who you are and your motives might not be a bad idea. I'll start it off:

Age: 23
Car: Peugeot 306
Mileage - approx 25,000mls per annum
Motive: To demonstrate Transport 2000 that you can't force people out of cars by not building roads and putting tolls in place. To provide real alternatives.

Anyone else?
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - FastShow
Good plan - dicussion group set up here:


Feel free to join and help out - anything you can contribute will be greatly appreciated.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - BrianW
I'll be with you once I have sorted out how Yahoo works: it's my first time!
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - PhilDews
I'm having a little trouble with Yahoo also - let me know how you manage to get the blasted thing to work. Perhaps its a bit late for me...!
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - FastShow
You should just need to register for a Yahoo! ID then once you're logged in with that, go to the group link below and choose to join.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - PhilW
I don't fit your profile (twice as old, half as many miles but I do have 2 PSA cars!! so hope I am acceptable) but will follow your cause with interest and have just signed up
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
What's a PSA car?
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - RichardW
PSA is the parent company of Peugeot and Citroen.

Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
Just joined, FS, awaiting your OK.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - PhilDews
EUREKA! It works. Please give me the ok FS!

Queensbury Poolie - taking on the entire world. And usually losing.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Clear Spot
FS - I have registered, my Yahoo account is robinec2000
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - madf
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - amcluesent
I sympathise with the sentiment but T2K can get these domains back very simply -

The registrars for .co.uk domains use these criteria for deciding whether a complainant should be given the domain back -

1) It's confusingly similar to a trade or service mark they have or use
2) The registrant has no rights or legitimate interests to the domain
3) It's been registered in bad faith ('a spoof-type T2K site')

And whether they have registered the trade mark or not, under the tort of Passing Off, T2K would only have to show a likelyhood of confusing the public.

After the BT vs. One-In-A-Million case, the UK courts take a very dim of cybersquatters...


Disclaimer: I'm not a qualified layer and this doesn't constitute legal advice.

Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - martint123
How does it go? - me too. An observer at the mo.

ref cybersquatting - hopefully this will not be squatting, but an active site
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - Mark (RLBS)
>>I'm not a qualified layer

Who is ? We can but aspire.

Sorry, I'll get my coat.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - HF
>>I'm not a qualified layer
Who is ? We can but aspire.
Sorry, I'll get my coat.

Biggest gutteral laugh of the night, again courtesy of the HJ site!

Was just wondering whether a retort of my own would be acceptable, when I saw you'd already done it, Mark!
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - amcluesent
Yes, yes quite hilarious I'm sure
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - HF
I wasn't being sarcastic, it appealed to my (challenged as it may be) sense of humour.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - FastShow
Right, first up everyone who joined the Yahoo! Group has been authorised - cheers for the interest!

Secondly, as to the domain names, the T2K ones will be fine; nowhere do Transport 2000 refer to themselves as Transport2K, it's significantly different to their company name so I'm not at all worried on that front, TBH. The transport2000.co.uk may be slightly more interesting, but since the site-design and content will be entirely different from their's, I'm confident we'll be OK.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - FastShow
Forgot to say, on top of that, parody is protected in law, at least in America where I'll be hosting everything. I used to run The Scammer site (www.thescammer.co.uk is still up, I think) which was a complete rip-off of The Slammer, right down to the site design which, whilst not stolen, was very similar to their own.

The whole point of the site was to warn people about this dodgy company, and there wasn't a thing they could do about it. God knows they tried though. Company folded a few months after the site went live.
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - crazed
great idea
Transport 2000 - Payback Time :) - dan
Hey what gives with the site? I've just subscribed and would be interested in getting involved. Who has contributed/joined, as the site still looks like the prototype. Anyone? Boff l suspect from a previous crosspost that you also post on PH. If you ever wanted a clear thinking bunch of pro-car contributors, get them involved as well!

If you style sheet the pages you could vet and format conributions pretty easily. I think the best way to start on this is to avoid any frothing mouth rants and definitely avoid repeating ADB mantra, like global warming is a conspiracy against the motorist etc...

I think its very important to mirror (flip side of coin not mirror in the download sense) the information on T2K.org but avoid mentioning them and make the site look nothing like theirs even though its navigational structure could be identical.