The Motor Show - BB
So what did everyone think about the Birmingham Motor Show?

I personally thought that an £8 parking charge on top of the entrance fee left me so shocked that I couldn't really concentrate on much else!

I managed to get to see most of the stands that I had planned to (MG, TVR -Excellent, Jaguar -too small, Porsche -what are they thinking of, Ford -women in air filled hamster balls, Subaru -looks better, James Bond -XKR the star)

But what happened to BMW and Mercedes Benz? Are they too good now that they don't even bother turning up now?
The Motor Show - Ian Cook
I didn't go, BB - but I went to the classic car show at the NEC a couple of years ago and was likewise appalled at the parking charges. Also the quality of refreshment food was awful!

What was that like at the NEC motor show this year?

Ian Cook
The Motor Show - BB
I had a bad experiance at the motor show a couple of years ago with a lukewarm hot dog. I didn't make the same mistake twice! The golden arches saved the day!
The Motor Show - Harmattan
May as well share my parking tip with the whole internet because it'll probably be forgotten by the time the next show comes round. Park next door at the airport, which has its own separate and less frantic entrance road during Motor Shows, and use the multi-storey if you have a soft top or valuable motor, or the open car parks if less concerned. Use the free shuttle bus to get to the NEC railway station and back. Depending on how long you stay at the show it only saves £1-2 but there is less hassle getting in and out. It was even better when the Maglev link was running but sadly I think the excuse was they ran out of spare parts.

On the food front, if you can wait there is at least a range of the usual trendy places in the airport main terminal. Oh so different from Paris Shows, not just Motor Shows, where you don't begrudge paying similar prices for a proper baguette sandwich or saucisson.
The Motor Show - RB
It was the first time for many years that I had been to the show. I thought it a good mix of all the big names but also liked the smaller specialists, services etc.

The real highlight was, of course, seeing the man! (Quick, get the bucket).

Like everyone else, I thought the £8 carpark fee was ridiculous and ironic, given the fact that we were supposed to be celebrating and appreciating those horrible, nasty motor cars!

The Motor Show - maz64
Having paid £52.50 to get the family in (2 adults @ £15 + 3 kids @ £7.50 (half-term in Berks)) I didn't think £8 for a day's parking was too bad. But then that's probably because I'm used to the NCP charges in Reading town centre. What _would_ have been nice was some sort of family ticket.

We set off early and got there before it opened at 9:30, which made the parking easy, and it was a lot easier to look at that lovely new TVR. By the time we'd seen the MINI stunt show (entertaining), it had got reasonably busy, although from what I remember it was a lot better than the Motorshow we went to in London 8(?) years ago.

Fortunately the kids (5, 14, 15) weren't too hungry and were happy with sandwiches, so my food was the most expensive at £5 for chips, slice of pizza and coffee. Again, not what you'd call a bargain, but didn't leave me feeling ripped off (I'm Northern so these things are important!).

Altogether a nice day out- not cheap, but not too bad value. Would go again to Brum, but not London.

John M