Ford C-Max CVT - How to check the auto transmission fluid level? - ChrisBarr

Honest John's car-by-car guide states:

BY 2010, FAILURES OF CVTs WITH 1.6TDCIS HAD REACHED EPIDEMIC PROPORTIONS and the cost of replacement at around £5,000 is greater than the value of the car. For that reason DO NOT BUY A C-MAX 1,6TDCI CVT AUTO. If you already own one, it seems that one reason for failure may be overfilling of the special automatic transmission fluid, so check this carefully and if necessary have some drained from it.

I have owned one from new since 2005, and it's been very reliable. But HJ now has me worried.

Can anyone tell me HOW to check the level of the "special automatic transmisison fluid".

I've no idea where the filler plug for this is located.

Ford C-Max CVT - How to check the auto transmission fluid level? - rjp


I've been struggling for the last six months to get my C-Max CVT fixed and all that seems to be wrong with it is a speed sensor or a motronic unit. See

I've been told by an expert (Derek King) that there are a wide range of failures associated with this transmission and the torque converter. In my case, even though the problem seems to be limited to electrical components we've been unable to persuade Ford or its supplier ATP to provide any replacements other than a complete replacement transmission.

So it's not just an unreliable transmission - the problem also lies with Ford's unwillingness or inability to provide the kind of service we ought reasonably to expect.

Good luck with yours!