vw golf mark 3 vr6 - Temperature gauge under reading..coolant advice pl - 333transport

Bought car on ebay,didnt mean too......Drove it home 170 miles,fine.

Noticed temp gauge only read max of 70 when stationary,just out of the cold zone,when moving.

Next day,went on a drive,stopped in traffic,steam coming out of expansion tank,fan not running.temp gauge a bit over 70.

Auto electrian took lead off yellow temp sensor,put it back on,and now fan comes on just before 70.

Temp gauge reads 30 40 degrees under temp.

Should i change yellow temp sensor?

Is the blue green coolant ok for this car?Thats the anti freeze it has in it.

Thanks for any help given.

vw golf mark 3 vr6 - Temperature gauge under reading..coolant advice pl - Peter.N.

If its running cold when moving you need a thermostat, check the water temperature by putting the heater on full, you should feel it cooling when on the move if the thermostat is faulty, also the radiator will start getting warm soon after you start the engine, it shouldn't until the gauge reads nearly normal.

vw golf mark 3 vr6 - Temperature gauge under reading..coolant advice pl - VR6

As above, sounds like your thermostat is knackered. Get it changed. If doing it yourself, you may find access a bit tricky removing the allen bolts to the thermostat housing. Also, you may end up cracking the housing as they can become brittle.

With regards to coolant, you should be using G12+ or G12++. G12+ is pink and is available from German Swedish & French (GSF). G12++ is available from VW and I think is purple in colour.

The coolant system takes 10litres in total, so for 50/50 split you'll need 5l of coolant.