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Toyota hilux pick-up - Fast and slow tick over on a diesel engine - SilverDreamMachine

Hi, I`m new to this forum and have joined in the hope someone can help me with a couple of n*****ly problems with my pick-up.

It`s a 1997, 145,000 miles of trouble free motering. Recently the tickover varies from fast to normal. I`ve oiled the linkages and tey sem fine. Any ideas?

Also the symbols on the dash imtermittently start to pulse about once a second. If I put my foot on the breaks it stops it. Possibly hte soleniod? If so can I repair or do I replace?

Thanks for any comments.


Toyota hilux pick-up - Fast and slow tick over on a diesel engine - NARU

Does it have an 'idle-up' switch (like many landcruisers)? If pressed, that raises the idle speed so the car warms up quicker

Toyota hilux pick-up - Fast and slow tick over on a diesel engine - SilverDreamMachine

Hi Marlot, Re `Does it have an idle up swtch`?

It has a dash mounted facility to increase the idle speed when the weather is rally cold. Living on the south south coast I have neve used it.