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Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - mighty midge


My recently acquired S reg Fiesta 1.25 has an annoying rattle behind the dash on the near/passenger side. I thought it was the hard plastics around the bulk head under the bonnet causing it which I cushioned with some foam but it isn't?? It starts at around 30 mphs and sounds like something is very loose in and behind the glove box area. I can't for the life of me suss it out short of taking the dash itself out? ..:(

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - Peter.N.

Try getting someone to sit in the passenger seat and press around and inside the glove box, have you tried it with the lid open?

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - mighty midge

Try getting someone to sit in the passenger seat and press around and inside the glove box, have you tried it with the lid open?


Thanks for your reply!

Yes I have - no joy. It's definitely somewhere between the bulkhead in the engine compartment and behind the dash. It starts at arouond 30 mph and sounds like a loose piece of plastic, air vent screw or something. Light but audible and very irritating..

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - Peter.N.

OK. have you tried opening and closing the dash vents, see if that increases/reduces the noise?

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - mighty midge

OK. have you tried opening and closing the dash vents, see if that increases/reduces the noise?

No I don't think I have - I'll have a go at that and get back to you.

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - mighty midge

Hi - no joy opened all vents then closed them again no change.

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - elekie&a/c doctor

May be a good idea to check to check the speedo cable where it passes thro the bulkhead .It should be secured to the rear firewall in the engine bay.hth

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - mighty midge
Hi John

Still no joy. Everything's tight there..

Got another problem now - I think my clutch is beginning to slip. Every time I change gear I get a little squeak when the load is applied. I've tried loading it with the hand brake on but it seems OK no slip? It's just when I'm accelerating through the gears it squeaks under the initial stress. Something to worry about do you think John?
Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - mighty midge
Hi John Still no joy. Everything's tight there.. Got another problem now - I think my clutch is beginning to slip. Every time I change gear I get a little squeak when the load is applied. I've tried loading it with the hand brake on but it seems OK no slip? It's just when I'm accelerating through the gears it squeaks under the initial stress. Something to worry about do you think John?

Oops!! it was a while before my last comment... I just saw a picture of "John" above so assumed you were him. Apologies if your name isn't John..

Still the same as above no changes. I'm tempted to rip out the dashboard but turning the radio up for now is less costly. Regards

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - Ian K

Just had the same problem on my 2001 Fiesta, a tinny sounding rattle from behind the dash when driving at 30 and above. I have just fixed it and its not behind the dash. Got to get underneath and check the heat shield above the exhaust. I found that the two steel fasteners holding the heat shield at the front end had caused corrosion to the alloy. Consequently the fasteners are ineffective, there is no support and when accelerating above 30mph it starts vibrating causing the rattle. Easy fix, back off the fasteners (did this with a socket), re-shape the heat shield so that it will sit underneath the fasteners, screw them back down tight trapping the shield. Sorted.

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - mighty midge

Hi Ian Haven't been on here for ages and just noticed your response. Many thanks for that. I all but gave up on here as nobody else responded and I've all but got used to the rattle. I'll definitely have a look at where you mentioned next week when time allows and get back to you. BTW have you experienced squeaks when you change gear? I get that every time I change gear at high revs. I could swear it was my clutch slipping but it isn't as I tried it with the hand brake on and no squeal or squeak? Best regards Paul

Edited by mighty midge on 01/07/2010 at 20:47

Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - mighty midge
Hi Ian

Just thought I'd update you on here. Many thanks for that! it was the same problem as you had. In my case all I did was tighten up the fasteners on the heat shield and locked them in with a slither of chemical metal. Perfect!
Can't tell you how much better I feel now its sorted - for nothing!

Best Regards
Ford Fiesta Mk 4 - Rattle behind dashboard - Kelestar
Thanks Ian and Paul

I've had this problem for years, and always assumed it was a loose piece of plastic somewhere in the ventilation system. It never would have occurred to me that it was the heat shield - but I'm delighted to have come across this thread, and it's fixed now.

Thanks again


Edited by Kelestar on 26/05/2012 at 19:59