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Calling the techies - Steve S
I sometimes find I can't get a reply to attach to the post I'm aiming it at. Instead, it appears at the bottom. If I re-boot my PC (Win 2k, so usually I just lock it) the problem goes away for a short while but then returns.

Any ideas?
Calling the techies - Dynamic Dave
Steve S,

Why not just include a copy (using "quote original message" link below), or brief summary of the post to which you're replying, or even start the reply like I have done to yours? That way other people can see what you're replying to, or if you use the person's name (like I have done) it shows to who you are addressing the reply to.
Calling the techies - Mark (RLBS)
Firstly I am going to move this to the Discussion Forum where you will egt more feedback.

Secondly, try looking in threaded view and see if it still doesn't look right.

If some replies to a particular message before you do, then their reply or replies will appear before yours.