Whatever the car the more that is spent the more to lose. Keeping any car 6 - 12 months is bound to cost in depreciation £s/month.
If image for the start-up of this business is important then the car cost is just part of a package and shouldn't be a concern,
But for minimal loss, impressing the clients and enjoying the car buy a Mercedes 230E (yes the old shape) for about £5000. Pick a good colour with mint interior, about 125,00 miles recorded and fit a private plate (not Irish).
There is still a respect for the older Mercedes and those who travel in it will enjoy the discussions of "you wouldn't believe it's covered over 100,000 miles". It'll give the impression of a solid and dependable character who knows a good product but doesn't waste money.
Deal clinched!
Thank you for your suggestion, I will relay it to my client. He did have a couple of E class several years ago and may be tempted.
I'm interested in your comment 'not an Irish plate' - what makes you say that?
Someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I understand all the personal/non-dating numbers floating about with I and Z are Irish. Anyway these are the plates I mean.
Why not one of them? Well you did ask for a package that will impress potential clients and these plates are known to be the cheapest way to go non-dating. Very "Max Power" if you know what I mean, perhaps not the image you're after.
Just my view, others may be OK with them.
Any other number that is related to something of you contact may be better than one of these.
A230 EMB perhaps??
Actually my uncle has a 1985 200 E-class series MB, all people see is the three pointed star rather than the old C-reg. The car still has a real presence on a driveway. So perhaps the number isn't essential.
An old shape post-facelift C-class C180 Elegance auto with aircon and alloys might be worth considering. Even Signature cars on an R plate are costing only about £12995 at the moment. With the launch of the new C-class it has depreciated a lot recently, but should not do some much in the near future.