03 2.5 heater/engine - rwilson
Hi hope somebody can help? Not sure whether the two are connected but for about one week my heater has only been blowing out cold air. Today I got in my car and drove it, after about 15mins the warning indicator came on and my engine temp was on the highest level. I am pretty certain there is water and coolant in the engine. Does anybody have any ideas on what the problem may be. I have assumed the two are connected and thought that maybe the thermostat had gone? I am living on a really tight budget at the moment and ideally would like to sort myself rather than have to take to a garage

any help would be very much appreciated
thanks Rachel
03 2.5 heater/engine - Peter.N.
Hi Rachel

Make sure that the coolant is at the correct level, the heater failing is one of the first signs that the level is low.

03 2.5 heater/engine - rwilson
thanks peter. you were spot on! saved me some money at the local garage!