I wonder if anybody can shed light on this problem.I am the owner of a Grande Punto 1.3 multijet diesel car.I am perfectly satisfied with every aspect of it apart from one thing.When the engine is cold and I take my foot off the accelerator pedal it slows down at first and then picks up momentum so that I am forced to brake.Then it returns to normal for awhile until the next time I have to sloe down.It doesn`t do it every time but often enough to be a problem.When it warms up there isn`t a problem.I took it back to Fiat today and the mechanic tried to tell me that diesel cars can do this sometimes.Well,I have a diesel van and it is o.k.So my question is-If you take your foot off the accelerator pedal should a car not slow down? the answer to me is obviously -YES!!!!The only thing I can think of doing if he [as I expect]tells me it`s o.k. is to ask for a test drive of another car with the same engine to see if it does the same thing.I would appreciate any input on this topic.
Edited by Pugugly on 05/01/2010 at 17:50