I have had the car for two weeks or so and it was purchased from a main dealer as an approved car with a one year warranty for mechanical breakdown but excluding wear and tear. I have noticed that the temperature guage only moves about a quarter up the scale. After a long motorway run followed by some city driving I noticed white smoke from the exhaust. I checked the oil which looked clean and the coolant is unclouded. I noticed that the engine and radiator were warm but not hot. I think that the thermostat has stuck. The car has done 40k and the engine is a vtec which performs very well. Admittedly the weather is cold but has anyone got any other ideas as to what could be causing the grey/white steam. I know that it could be worn valve guides or head gasket but wouldn't be a good idea to get Honda to replace the thermostat? The engine block should get fairly hot even in this weather surely? Also, how can I test whether the air conditioning is working properly this weather?. Apart from some surface corrosion on the front subframe which should be treated I am pleased with the car.
Many thanks and a happy new year to you all.
Exactly the same problem, it's something to do with the gauge I believe. Never goes above about quarter the way up the dial. And when cold it starts from way below the bottom line I've noticed. If you plug in a diagnostics reader the coolant temperature sensor reading is fine but isn't reflected properly on the dial on the dash.
The thermostat may be your problem. Remove the thermostat and check it when it is cold to see that it is closed. Put the thermostat in a pan of hot water on a stove. The thermostat should be open when the water is near boiling. If the thermostat is okay, the temperature sensor may be your problem.
Does your heater work properly? if its slow getting hot and the air is not hot enough to be uncomfortable on your hand, it will be the thermostat. If its working correctly the radiator should stay cold until the engine reaches the correct temperature then the thermostat opens and the radiator will suddenly get hot, if it starts getting warm from the time you start it - thermostat.
Thank you for your replies. Pantherag, the Haynes manual says that the temp guages on these cars tend to under read. The car isn't producing white steam now. I think it must have been the cold weather and the engine had cooled down quite quickly. The only trouble is that the top hose has a burning smell after a run. The car is going into the main dealer on monday and I have asked them to check this out.