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Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
I've just searched through the Back room archives, and can't believe how much problems there seem to be with Omega's, I've had to copy/paste it into Word to read later, off-line....90 pages!!!!

Anyway, my point..... I wan't a 2nd (big) car to run along side my Leon TDi. I have basically decided on an Omega Estate due to it's excelent value, and good style.

What i'd like to know is:

a, Are there any positive stories, and
b, What people think of the following models in terms of perfomance, economy and reliability.

The main models of interest are:

2.2 DTi - For it's economy, and low down torque, especially when chipped.
2.5 TD - For economy and refinement
3.0 V6 Manual - Ex-Police models seem to be very good value, with 2000W/X going for about £7000-7500 with 55-75,000 miles

I'm not against the 2.0 16v or the 2.5V6, even the newer 2.2 16v, although if I go for a V6 it might as well be a 3.0. so feedback on these models would be appriciated too.

My main "wants" are Estate body and manual gearbox.

My budget depends very much when I decide to buy, if I buy now I only have about £1500-2000 to spend, and use it as a stop gap, in which case maybe a 2.0 16v would be better. If I wait a year I would stretch to £7000 and go for a Post-1999 facelift model.

It wouldn't do more than about 8-10,000 miles per year, and most times it would be used for local driving, with he odd trip up north or abroad. I would leave the main brunt of my 35k miles / year to the Leon due to it's economy.

Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - Godfrey H {P}
Have you thought about a Ford Mundeo estate? Very popular plenty to choose from.
Are Omega's that bad?? - Andy P
Why do you think the Police ditched the Omega in favour of the Volvo?

If you want an estate, why not try the Mazda 626? 2-litre petrol or diesel, 98-S or 99-T with 25-35K for around £7,000 and almost guaranteed not to break down.

Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
Oh, and there is another reason......although my Leon tows my track car/trailer combination very well (with 235lb/ft torque it should), I feel a RWD would be better for 1800kg's....

As for Volvo V70...excelent engines, nice looking, but no where near as big in the boot.....my dad got caught out by that when changing his Carlton Estate for an 850 Estate and then going to South of France the day after.....alot of things were left behind.

I suppose what I should have writen was:

"I have decided 100% to buy an Omega, which one is best?"

Had I not decided to buy an Omega and spend a bit more money i'd go for an Audi A6 Avant (1.9TDi or 2.5TDi), Seat Alhambra 2.8V6 or BMW 530d touring.....

I belive the Omega is the best value, Handles very well, and looks good too. The 3.0 V6 also gives 150mph, handly when you visit family in Germany often...:-)
Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - CM
If you are worried that the V70 boot space is a little small then I wouldn't even bother looking at a 530d or A6
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
>>>>"If you are worried that the V70 boot space is a little small then I wouldn't even bother looking at a 530d or A6"

Its length, more than size on the boot space. Also, towing ability...... My Leon has max tow weight of 1400kg, yet I tow 1800kg..... the Omega, A6 and 530 all have a good tow capacity.
Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
>>>>"Why do you think the Police ditched the Omega in favour of the Volvo?"

The Police still use the Omega in alot of areas..... My trip up the M40 on Friday saw 4 Police Omegas of Y- reg or newer, yet only 1 Volvo and 1 4x4.

Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
I have indeed, but there are a few reasons why I wouldn't go for it...

1. The 1.8TD is not flexable.
2. The load bay is shorter than the Omega's
3. I want a big car with lots of rear leg space, otherwise I can use the Leon.
4. As much as I like the Mondeo (espeically the newer ones), they are too rep-mobile for me.

Ok, I know theres not much wrong with the Mondeo, but the older ones are an older design than the Omega, and still demand a premium compared to likewise spec Omega.

If I was going for a Mondeo size Estate it would be a Primera 2.0 Sport+ Estate, no questions asked.....I've had 3 Primera's and all were excelent to drive....
Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - Vin {P}
No, they are not (in my humble experience). You'll also find, if you've looked through the posts on this site, that most people who own them love them.

I drive a 1999 T reg CDX 2.5 V6. Bought at 18 months old for a hammer price of £9,350. The only serious problem I've had with mine in 40K miles in 22 months was a crankshaft sensor failure causing intermittent problems and eventually giving up totally. Cost £160 at a main dealer. Oh, and the driver's door central locking stuck last winter; solved with a burst of WD40.

Other than that, no problems, no hassles and a beautiful drive. Cheap servicing at a local independent garage.

My brother in law has a 2.0CDX estate and loves it and a mate of mine has an R reg 2.5CDX and has never had a problem in 60K miles. However, another mate has an X reg and has had the same problem as I did in around 10K miles.

I wil point out, however, that the wife's 626 has managed 4 years with just a replacement bulb, so on that scale, the Omega's an unreliable heap.
Are Omega's that bad?? - Mark (RLBS)
We have two at the moment, both automatics, one is about 3 years old the other is new, the older is an estate and the newer is a saloon.

I have to say that I think they're great. The amount of stuff that the estate will carry is really impressive. They're both comfortable, quiet and good at their jobs.

The estate was in an accident last week and, given that it was hit by a very large turkish artic, I was pretty impressed with its behaviour - the damage didn't get into the passenger space.

Its fair to say that they are not inspiring or imaginative cars, but they are very good at doing what they're supposed to do.

The two cars between them have done something over 10k miles since we got them. The estate got a loose brake light switch. I can't think that we have done anything else except put petrol n them.
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
What sort of MPG can I expect from the said cars above, i.e, the 2.0 16v and 2.5V6 (Man or Auto).


Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - Clear Spot

I love my 3litre Auto estate. I have had no reliability problems though it has only done 15k.

I have just returned from a round trip to Issoire in France (400 mile from Le Havre) fully laden and towing a 1500 kilo Caravan, at around 65mph and a trip average of 19.3 mpg on French low octane unleaded (and aircon switched on). I consider that exceptional mpg. Solo I get around 25-30 mpg depending on urban/trip mix. I suspect there is not a lot of difference in economy between the 2.5/2.6 and the 3.0.

Are you only considering a manual 'cos of towing? I have to have an auto for health reasons and was very sceptical after many years of manuals, but I didn?t need to be. FYI my auto is very happy towing, looking after itself with the cruise control. There dosen?t seem to be a need for an oil cooler for the gearbox either. I wouldn?t go back to manual either for towing or for normal road driving.


Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
>>>"Are you only considering a manual 'cos of towing?"

No, performance, economy and the fact that it will be a high mileage car when I buy it are all factors. I also hope it will replace my Montego Estate as a track day car on the 3-4 I do a year, and hence manual is best...... it's so good to see peoples faces when they can't keep up with a £100, 11 year old, 130,000 mile Montego GTi Estate (all be it with 16" MGF alloys and lowered suspension etc).

If I was using it as an every day car to do the 90 mile round trip to work which includes the M25 I'd go for an Auto. The best Auto I have driven is my dad's Ford Galaxy 2.8V6 24v, it's 5 speed box is excelent, and even at the humble age of 25, I would definatly buy an Auto MPV like that :-)

Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - Vin {P}
What sort of MPG can I expect from the said cars
above, i.e, the 2.0 16v and 2.5V6 (Man or Auto).

2.5V6 Auto, 70% motorway miles over 37,739 miles = 29.6mpg

Lowest over 1000 miles was 26.2 (when my wife used it for town work for a while), highest was 32.7 (those were off the computer, not calculated, unlike the main figure above)
Are Omega's that bad?? - Vin {P}
BTW, that's all with aircon on permanently.
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
Thanks Vin,

I agree that a 626, Avensis, Primera would be alot more reliable, but also very Boring also....the Primera making points for its shear driving pleasure.

The Mondeo is a nice car to drive, and the Vectra is good looking yet handles like crap. Then theres the Passat and Audi A4, both nice cars, but a bit soft on the handling department (as per all std VAG products, my Leon Included).

Others I considered are Scorpio....old chassis/engine design, Volvo 940 Turbo....Even older!!!

So, back to the Omega.... And if I can buy an Omega thats as relialble as the Montego's I have owned, including the three I still own for Motorsport, track and trials than i'll be very happy.......The Montego(s) is (are) the 2nd most reliable cars we have owned in the past 15 years including a Granada, 2 x Carltons (3rd most reliable), Volvo 850, 2 x Ford Galaxy, 3 x Primera, and Laguna....... the best was my mum's E-reg Citroen AX which broke down once in 13 years due to a £30 condenser.

Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - Crombster
I have had more than my fair share of problems with the Omega but I still love it. Mine is getting on a bit now and the only reason im not replacing it with another one is because I can now afford to spend a fairly large amount on my next car and If I was to buy a nearly new Omega I would loose too much on depreciation. If my budget was lower I would buy the Omega without a second thought.

I also don't see the Mondeo as an alternative to the Omega, the Omega is far nicer to drive and a better class of car all round.

Find a Network Q car and pick up the warranty :) I personally would avoid cop cars, but again thats down to your budget.

Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT

My idea of going for an Ex-Cop car is only if I decide on a 3.0 as 99% of the new shape 3.0 MV6 models are Autos. I suspect I'll end up getting an older (1994-96) 2.0 CD/CDX or 2.5 TD CD/CDX for £1800-2000 for a year or 2, then decide if I liked it enough to buy another.

The only thing that puts me off the 2.5TD is that max torque of 199lb/ft is produced at 2200rpm. My Leon with uprated chip produces 235lb/ft @ 1850rpm, and has none stop pull from 1500rpm - 4600rpm.

Then again, the chip for the Omega 2.5TD gives 173bhp and 234lb/ft, with chipped 2.2DTi's giving 155bhp and 254lb/ft.

Anyone got a 2.0 16v or 2.5TD Manual?? what MPG can I suspect?
Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - volvoman
I was in the same position Neil - considering a newer Omega to replace my 1991 940 se turbo. All the stuff on this site re Oemgas has made me change my mind. Yep you seem to get a lot for your money but they are unreliable and depreciate faster than they accelerate !

To my knowledge the 940 is the next biggest estate and I never have to leave stuff behind. Yes, the 850/V70's are significantly smaller.

'Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice'. You could try a 940/960 (see HJ's car by car breakdown) estate or V90 funds permitting - why not take a test drive ?

Having test driven a couple of V6 Omegas I reckon the Volvo's are better built and they're definitely more reliable. They'll also depreciate far less !

What you save on the Omega's cost I think you'll have to pay back sooner rather than later.

I'm not going anywhere near the Omega !
Are Omega's that bad?? - Vin {P}
"...and depreciate faster than they accelerate"

Surely for someone buying secondhand that's an advantage, not a disadvantage? I bought a £26K car for £9K 18 months old. I thought the depreciation was working for me. As for a three year old one at £5K, it's got to be a bargain...
Are Omega's that bad?? - volvoman
That's true Vin but I guess the reason Omega's depreciate so much is because of the running costs and reliability problems they're well known for. So you save money when you buy the car but lose it when the repair bills start coming in and when you sell it.

Sure, most of the depreciation comes in the first few years and, as I've said, you get lots for your money but I recokn the overall cost of ownership of an Omega must be much higher than its Volvo equivalent. Overall, the Volvo is the better buy and should outlast the Omega.

ps Please don't think I'm a boring Volvo nut (despite my 'tag'), I didn't really choose my car, just got a good deal from my very generous little brother who was getting a newer car. If the Omega was more reliable, I'd consider having one for sure.
Are Omega's that bad?? - Vin {P}
I'm sad enough that I plan to post the two year total running costs of my chariot come January. Watch this space...
Are Omega's that bad?? - volvoman
You're not sad ;-)

It'd be interesting to start a thread on running costs. I'm self employed and I know how much my car has cost - if only I can be bothered to dig out the bits.
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
Yes, I agree, but having driven a 940 and a newer 960 24v I just can't get enthusiastic about them...however, the 940 2.0 LPT Estate was No.2 on my list.
Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
Just a few cheapys on Autotrader:

1995 VAUXHALL OMEGA 2.5 CD Manual,
1995, M reg . met green, loads of extras, traction, alloys, high mileage but drives/looks good . £995 . no offers.

1994, L reg . Mot'd, tax expired, good running order, new clutch, new tyres . £795

They are a great bargin.!!!!
Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - Crombster
I think the Omega is getting a bit of unfair treatment. I wont spend 16K on buying another Omega, I will more than likely opt for the S60 due to better residuals. For 8K or less however then the Omega is far better than an equivalent Volvo as for that kind of money they will be ye olde style efforts and as such no where near as nice as later model Omega's.

I feel you get more for your money buying an Omega, particularly if your budget is restrictive. If we are talking older high mileage Omega's then, unfortunately you get what you pay for. No old large engined car is going to be run on buttons.

Buy it new and your a dafty, but it used then you will pick up an excellent bargain with low mileage for much cheapness!

Are Omega's that bad?? - Cyd
In the October 2002 Top Gear Motoring Survey, the Omega came 66th out of 120 cars. Even the Rover 800 came 62 (the Omega was the highest placed Vx too). Personally I like both cars. I've got several friends with Omegas and I'm on my second 800.

Don't worry about which end is driven for towing. My 800 Vitesse was recently used for towing a car & trailer combo weighing around 2400kg, and it was superb. I could only see FWD being at a slight disadvantage if the conditions were particularly tricky. Look for a car with a short rear overhang - this helps stability.
Are Omega's that bad?? - smokie
I bought an R reg MV6 at the auction (PReston) about 18 months ago. It had about 23k on, and now has 46k. I love it.

I haven't had any real horror stories, if you've researched here you will have found the tramlining problem I reported (cured by new tyres) and also the lazy passenger door lock mechanism (replacement motor from breakers yard about £25 AFAIR).

I drive it briskly - get an overall 26mpg or thereabouts.

Towed a caravan full of gear (6 pushbikes, a domestic fridge, BBQs and 6 people's tents and clothing - probably overweight!) down to Le Mans last June. Was still reasonably economic around 55- 60 mph but above that the consumption took a dive...

It's the first car I've owned in a few years that I haven't got bored with during the first twelve months...and I am now considering "long term" investment in it (stainless exhaust system etc) as I have no plans to get rid of it.

And I read somewhere that the main reason for the polive swapping to Volvo's was purely that they gave more internal space for their equipment...
Are Omega's that bad?? - Blue {P}
I remember Northumbria made the decision to try Corsas as panda cars for a while, they went crawling back to Ford cap in hand after a short space of time :) Don't know if that will apply as much with an Omega though...
Are Omega's that bad?? - Crombster
Didn't realise Ford offered an Omega alternative. I don't think the Scorpio was much in the way of competition :)
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
>>>"Look for a car with a short rear overhang - this helps stability."

That why my Leon is so good at towing......but it's 235lb/ft torque gets totally lost in 1st, 2nd and 3rd if trying to pull away on a busy roundabout in the wet with a load on the back :-(

The point was, that most cars people were suggesting (i.e, Mondeo, 626 etc) are in a smaller class than the Omega....

....and for your comfort, I am a Rover fanatic (hence I own 3 Montegos), and would love an 820 Vitesse Sport if an Estate was available..:-)
Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - Cyd
Thought about an 820 VS Fastback - these are huge at the rear. I have a saloon - even on this the boot is very large.
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
I agree, the boot is very big in the 800's, but only if you want to carry something that is lower than window level. I don't think you would fit a 6 foot waldrobe in there.

I remember how hard it was moving some spares for my Montego Estate back home after a friend let me have stuff from a car he had been given. Trying to fit 4 doors, tailgate, bonnet, bumpers, 5 alloys, roof rails, rear facing seats and a box of smaller items into a Primera Hatchback required 2 journies...:-)

Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - svpworld
I disagree too, maybe the V6's are reported to give more problems than the 4 cylinders. I have a 2.0 16V GLS automatic, its superb having now done over 93K without a hitch. Mine's a 1999 T reg, the later models seem to have less trouble. Also many of the problems reported are electrical, so unless you really want all the gadgets or a big engine, the GLS might be the best buy. Providing you regularly service them and don't abuse them, they should last you a long time. The reason you read so many posting here about them is simply that so many people love them and own them! I've heard of a few electrical problems, mainy with the LCD dash display digits, common on the dual display models it seems with the computer. Autobox on omega is silky smooth, but ensure you check the fluid colour and level asap! Air con is fine as long as its used regularly since new, seats seem to stand up to a lot of wear and are very comfy. Little annoying things include misting up in wet weather, simply because the omega cabin is so well sealed! Worth getting air con as it helps enormously to clear the screen. ON the subject of air con, I dont have the electronic climate control, just the normal on/off air con. Again, more reliable, less to go wrong! V6's are silky smooth and powerful, but can give huge bills if they go wrong - especially if its a gasket problem or timing belt breakage! 2.0 16V is ample, though doesnt thrill. Brakes are huge, well they feel huge!
Its a LOT of car for the money, they are ridiculously cheap second hand and there's plenty to choose from. I always prefer to go for the younger higher miles full service history fleet management than low mileage privates on an older reg.
It gives all the comfort and quality (nearly) of a 5 series but for a LOT LESS money!
Economy is ok, my 2.0 does about 32-34 mpg on normal runs. Its thirsty if you are used to driving say a 1.8 cavalier or smaller, but once you drive an omega you will not want to stop - just ignore the fuel gauge and enjoy! Bigger V6's obviously get a bit more thirsty, 3.0 is heavy round town.
They are big cars, and perhaps not the best for nipping up the corner shop and back or your diy centre.. They cruise though like a jet liner, and a nice omega is a relaxing pleasure to drive!

An Omega Fan!


SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Are Omega's that bad?? - zedzedeleven
No , they are not that bad , my 2.5 estate was bought to take a load of windsurfing gear and to provide somewhere to get changed in , fulfils both roles well . Had the cambelt and the idler pulley changed last week ,two hundred and forty quid at a Vauxhall main dealer. Aircon packed in , due to a failed compresser, new one on order at our local automotive aircon. garage. Main dealer quoted eight hundred for the full job. i`ll let you know how much it costs when I get the estimate . Noticed a bit of rust round the lambda sensors , looks like two new front pipes needed soon . Now theres a thing i could live without.
Anyway , the car drives and handles really well , try one and don`t be shy give it some welly .
Are Omega's that bad?? - Crombster
Well you will be glad to know that two front pipes inc the built in cats are around £250 per bank :) I know because i'm in the painful process of replacing them due to welded in place lambda sensors! But hey, she getting on a bit so I forgive the old dear :)

Are Omega's that bad?? - zedzedeleven
Why has gun gum and silencer bandages suddenly drifted into my subconscious ?
Are Omega's that bad?? - geoffster
How about an ex police 3.0 mv6 95 M 55000 miles £750 at auction last night. That is cheap enough to risk any poor reliability.
I have done 100k miles in ex police Omegas & Senators with no major problems.
Are Omega's that bad?? - NeilT
Which auction was that?? sounds good!!!

Having said that, it is a manual estate I want.....
Neil T
SEAT Leon TDi 150
Are Omega's that bad?? - DavidHM
A 7 year old ex cop car with 55k? Can it fly as well? Even if it's 155k, that's cheap and probably good enough for what you want if it's had the full police maintenance treatment.
Are Omega's that bad?? - geoffster
That was West Oxfordshire Motor Auction. Twice monthly Police Auction.£4000 buys you a 100000 W reg new shape MV6. £750 gets you the 95 M with 50000 if you believe the Police details.
Are Omega's that bad?? - DavidHM
Okay, it wasn't traffic, but it could have been an ARV or the Chief Constable's limo or something I guess. And at that price, why the hell not? :-) Definitely a barg.
Are Omega's that bad?? - zedzedeleven
Yes, I could have bought it for spares and the aircon compresser alone would `ve returned a saving. Or run it and kept mine for spares.
Are Omega's that bad?? - prm
Just out of interest are the auto box's in the omega the same as the carlton?
Are Omega's that bad?? - Darren

Do you have a list with pricings for the auction.

The cheapest omegas I have seen recently are P and R plate auto's from the MET with around 70 000 for about 2 to 2 and a half grand.

These seemed bargains then but nothing to what you have seen , especially dircet from the police.
Are Omega's that bad?? - Crombster
As far as part numbers go the auto boxes are different. But I couldn't tell you how different.
Are Omega's that bad?? - geoffster
Ref prices at auction. The only other price I recall recently was £4100 for a W reg mv6 estate an ex Thames Valley Police car. The majority of Omegas sold are 3 yrs old 100,000 miles white ex traffic cars, but you get the occasional exception. Thames Valley cars are usually in the best condition.
Are Omega's that bad?? - bigboyq

I have been reading with interest the discuss on the Omega. I am currently a company car driver (VW Bora TDI 115Bhp). But thinking of opting out, for a more cumfortable care.

I do around 30-40k a year millage, and my fuel ispaid for the company.

I been searching the internet and found some ex-police 2001 MV6's for £6-8k, with 55-75k miles. (uprated 170mph!) And also some ex-ministry elites v6 cars.

I know the depreciation is faster then a 911, but even if I spent 15k on a BMW or Audi I will still likly to loose a lot of money due too the milliage I do.

I do not need an estate, but a big family car (reliable)

Also has any one done a LPG conversation on a Omega V6?
Are Omega's that bad?? - crapcar
hi i drive an omega 2.5 v6 auto on lpg from new 1997 on a p 115k
no probs had a pully go on t belt but no dameg and new wish bones>> Hi,
I have been reading with interest the discuss on the Omega.
I am currently a company car driver (VW Bora TDI
115Bhp). But thinking of opting out, for a more cumfortable
I do around 30-40k a year millage, and my fuel ispaid
for the company.
I been searching the internet and found some ex-police 2001 MV6's
for £6-8k, with 55-75k miles. (uprated 170mph!) And also some
ex-ministry elites v6 cars.
I know the depreciation is faster then a 911, but even
if I spent 15k on a BMW or Audi I will
still likly to loose a lot of money due too the
milliage I do.
I do not need an estate, but a big family car
Also has any one done a LPG conversation on a Omega
Are Omega's that bad?? - robert
Can I interest you in a '98 MV6 3.0 saloon, 83k with FVSH for less than £5k?


south Bucks