Could anyone out there advise on the recommended coolant concentration for a 96 306dt. I recently asked at a Peugeot garage and was told "about 50%". An answer like that leaves me unconvinced that the person really knew what they were talking about.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, the person at the Peugeot garage was correct. 50% will be fine. Sorting out coolant concentration isn't an exact science anyway and when I used to do accident repairs for a living, which involved fitting a fair amount of new radiators, we used to refill with around 33% antifreeze in the summer time and around 50% antifreeze towards and through the winter time.
Refilling with different concentrations is a waste of time as the coolant will stay in for 2 years.
Use 50% concentration and don't worry about getting the mix spot on.
Also use very high quality coolant or ideally Peugeot's own. sell original Pug and Citroen coolant at below half garage price. They don't send fluids through the post though.
Coolant anti-freeze concentration does not depend on the type of engine/make of vehicle - it only determines the temp. at which the coolant mixture freezes, as it should explain 'on the tin'. Certain types of antifreeze may suit certain engines, depending on sensitivity of gasket/block/head combinations to corrosion, but that has very little to do with concentration.