Our ford fiesta zetec climate is always steamed up, to the point that the inside of the glass is soaking wet! - the only way to clear it is to have the heated screen AND A/C on, this takes about 15 minutes.
Now, I have this weekend to look in to it so I'd like as many suggestions as possible :)
Things I am checking;
- Coolant level (may have dropped due to possible leaking heater matrix)
- Blocked vents (leaves etc)
- Pollon filter (known issue but passenger footwell is dry)
If anyone can add to this list it would really help, additionally if anyone can give me some links to guides on how to fix that would be great!
Also, there seems to be lots of water that sits in the door plate, is this normal??
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 10/12/2009 at 19:22
I'm no expert. First things first, I'm guessing you've made sure the climate control is not set to 're-circulate'? obvious but just checking :-)
Have you ever had the air-conditioning serviced/checked since you've owned the car? The air-conditioning system dries the air as well as heating it. If the air-conditioning system isn't working, i.e. through lack of refrigerant in the system it won't de-mist the windows.
Apologies if this information is all to obvious!
Hi thanks for your reply, the re-circ isn't on which is why im going to check the vents incase they're clogged, also the A/C hasn't been serviced and it does smell so I know this does need doing. Could lack of refrigerant cause the moisture in the first place?
It could be you do lots of short trips & you are creating condensation. If you have access to a mains dehumydifier then leave it in the car over a whole weekend, this may remove a lot of the moisture. i would also change the pollen fiter or take your one out dry it. Turn the air con off & leave off. Whilst the air con is running it does dry the air but leaves a lot of moisture on the evaporater causing condesation on the windows when you park.
Rule of thumb with air con, when its running if the low side pipe ( the larger one ) is running with condensation ( Cold & wet) the gas charge is about right. Low gas will just make the compressor continually cycle but won't cuase condensation other than if the Ac is not working it won't remove it iether!