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03 1.6 Alarm goes off a few minutes after locking - s lyle
After switching alarm on and leaving car, the alarm comes on after a few minutes and the interior light also comes on. After the alarm is turned off you can hear a relay clicking from the passenger side of the car.

Any ideas would be very appreciated.
03 1.6 Alarm goes off a few minutes after locking - Glaikit Wee Scunner {P}
I suggest that the interior light coming on, after the alarm is set, is the probem.
Take the interior light bulb(s) out and see if the alarm still triggers.
No help to solving the basic problem I know.

Is there an electrician in the house?
03 1.6 Alarm goes off a few minutes after locking - s lyle
It's my friend's car. He has already tried removing the fuse for the internal light and the relay keeps clicking and the alarm sounding.

The only thing that we can think of is to remove each fuse in turn to see which circuit is supplying power / controlling the clicking relay, as we think it's related to the fault.

Any further ideas from any of you Mini experts would be much appreciated.

03 1.6 Alarm goes off a few minutes after locking - Simon
The alarm system may be detecting the voltage drop as the relay fires into life and that is why the alarm sounds for seemingly no reason. You need to find out what the relay is and what it controls, then you will almost certainly identify the problem.
03 1.6 Alarm goes off a few minutes after locking - elekie&a/c doctor
Alarm sounding after switch on could indicate that the system is seeing something not fully closed or a fault with one of the sensor switches.On the speedo dial is a door/boot /bonnet open signal,does this go out when ignition switched on?Also posiible fault with power sounder.Modern alarm systems do not use a volt drop circuit.hth