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guessing game for you!! - billy25
Afternoon all,

read a little article somewhere a fewdays ago about various Automotive systems.
One in particular stood out from the rest in the fact that since it`s conception
and introduction, it has never had a single failure of any kind!
so, a little guessing game for you.... can you name it?

guessing game for you!! - CQ
Do you mean garage software or components?
guessing game for you!! - hillman1 {p}
Honda VTEC engine??
guessing game for you!! - Altea Ego
BMW Indicators?
guessing game for you!! - perro
guessing game for you!! - Altea Ego
anyone alive to confirm it?
guessing game for you!! - Old Navy
BMW fog lights.
guessing game for you!! - billy25
Doh! this game didn`t last long!

Mr Hillman (the Minx!) must have read the same article!
Yep, apparrently it`s Honda`s V-Tech valve timing system, not one failure reported ..ever!
This, for such a "complicated" system I find truly remarkable!

I must admit to being a bit pleased, as I had this on the Prelude, and can vouch first hand for the absolute pleasure I got when I "booted" it!! - wonderfull ;-)

guessing game for you!! - Lou_O
Plenty of engines with VTEC have failed.

The key point is that the VTEC system has never failed, presumably because it's a very simple system.

See (amongst others)



guessing game for you!! - Bagpuss
Mr Hillman (the Minx!) must have read the same article!
Yep apparrently it`s Honda`s V-Tech valve timing system not one failure reported ..ever!
This for such a "complicated" system I find truly remarkable!

I think the key word here is "reported".

I know a Honda Civic owner whose VTEC engine went pop. I guess Honda didn't report it.

VTEC is a great system though.
guessing game for you!! - Statistical outlier
I'll believe it's very reliable.

No failures of any sort, ever? Pull the other one. What about people who let the oil get too low? Clogged solenoids? 101 other things that might happen? I don't believe it, and a quick google backs me up - people do have problems.

guessing game for you!! - Statistical outlier
This must be a trick question, surely? I can't think of a single component that will never have had a failure of any sort. Even completely passive components can rust or fatigue.

What do you mean by an Automotive *system*?
guessing game for you!! - bathtub tom
Werther's original?

Well they're in my glovebox.
guessing game for you!! - Dipstick
Lexus LS exhaust?
guessing game for you!! - Dave_TD
It's got to be something from Volkswagen... I can't make my mind up between the ESP unit, the DMF or the coils on 1.8 20v engines. Do I win a prize? :-)
guessing game for you!! - hillman1 {p}
I prefer to think of myself as an Imp... In my defence I didn't read the same report, but instead I heard it somewhere some time ago...

Quite proud to have achieved something ;-) thought I would be way out.. Do I win anything???
guessing game for you!! - bell boy
i found an old 55 beetle in the shed at the bottom of my garden behind the conifers this morning,its been there since 1956
i pulled the choke out and it started
is this a record?
guessing game for you!! - Dave_TD
Some of the cars I've had, if they started after being left overnight I would be quietly impressed ;-)
guessing game for you!! - zookeeper
my fiesta,s floor mats...come rain or shine at every turn of the key (then open the door) there they were without fail....do i win?
guessing game for you!! - perro
>>> I pulled the choke out and it started <<<

Pull the other one!
guessing game for you!! - bell boy
Pull the other one!
what will that do? ;-)
guessing game for you!! - bathtub tom
Give you somewhere to hang your manbag. ;>)
guessing game for you!! - billy25
Well done Sir Imp! - pour yourself a virtual pint!

Thanks for posting the VTEC article, (see! i have read it! ;-) ) very interesting i found it. Tis a shame those of you who have never experienced it, have never experienced it!!

Maybe a few VTEC engines have gone "pop" in the past, (might not be caused by the VTEC tho) and maybe a few haven`t been reported, maybe some have suffered misuse and neglect, but as far as preceision engineering goes this system must surely be up there with the other "greats".....yes??
guessing game for you!! - Lou_O
Well done Sir Imp! - pour yourself a virtual pint!

If that's me, then thanks, I enjoyed a not-so-virtual lemon, honey and whisky in the hope that this cold will finally go away.
Thanks for posting the VTEC article (see! i have read it! ;-) ) very interesting
i found it. Tis a shame those of you who have never experienced it have
never experienced it!!

I've owned 3 Honda cars with VTEC, and they've all been great, the long-departed S2000 still makes me happy when I think of it. Sadly I'm not sure that Honda will make another car like it for a long time.
Maybe a few VTEC engines have gone "pop" in the past (might not be caused
by the VTEC tho) and maybe a few haven`t been reported maybe some have suffered
misuse and neglect but as far as preceision engineering goes this system must surely be
up there with the other "greats".....yes??

I think the key thing is that the VTEC subsystem has never been found to fail. Engines have failed for lots of reasons, but the VTEC has never been the reason, maybe as it's such a simple system?

guessing game for you!! - Altea Ego
This is a stupid fatuous boast by Honda,

Its uttelry pointles, becuase if the rest of the engine has gone pop, what use is the VTEC bit.

In fact one could say becuase VTEC allowed the engine to rev so high, it caused the engine to go pop. And have they checked "every" VTEC engine failure? no.

Any maker could chirp up and say "Hey - Number two valve has never failed"

guessing game for you!! - hillman1 {p}
Thanks Billy, the virtual pint went down a treat!