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Women stop M6 traffic. - 1400ted
Not seen this posted before...apologies if it has been.
Pretty scary...one of the women later sent down for murder.
There's a much longer version on' Stressed Out Cop.com'


Women stop M6 traffic. - pda
Absolutely the right verdict in my opinion.

Women stop M6 traffic. - ifithelps
M'thinks there is some confusion here.

Sabina Eriksson - the woman in the red coat - was jailed for one day for punching the police officer in the video.

She received five years for killing a man in his own home who had befriended her.

The person on the video shown running into the carriageway and being knocked down by a lorry was not directly involved in either of the above incidents.

More from a reasonably reliable news organisation:


Women stop M6 traffic. - jbif
Pretty scary...one of the women later sent down for murder. >>

BBC story says manslaughter.
M'thinks there is some confusion here. ... The person on the video shown running into the carriageway and being knocked down by a lorry was not directly involved in either of the above incidents. >>

I admit I have not seen the video, but reading the BBC news link you posted, it seems to me it is the woman who got knocked by a car was the one done for manslaughter of her day-old acquaintance.

Women stop M6 traffic. - jbif
I have now looked at the youtube video posted by 1400ted.

In the frame just before the 3 second mark to the 4 second mark, you can see that the woman in the dark (red as it turns out) coat has been hit by a car in lane 3, just at the moment her twin sister in the lighter coloured coat is about to jump the barriers.

The twin in the lighter coloured coat then runs across lanes 3 and 2 in the 5th to 8th seconds of the video.

At 16 seconds, you can see the twin sisters on the hard shoulder.

From 21st to 28th seconds, you can see the twin in the light coloured coat run across and get hit by a truck.

Fro 34th to 54th seconds, it is the twin in red who makes a dash but this time there is no collision apparent.

Women stop M6 traffic. - 1400ted
The twin hit by the truck goes down...the other is hit by a silver car and is knocked out, you see the damage to the screen and the roof where her head ? has hit it.
She comes round whilst being covered with the siver sheet and makes a break for it, flooring the policewoman and legging it across the other track
She is then grabbed, cuffed and carried back by 2 police and 2 civvies.

All good fun on our roads today !

Women stop M6 traffic. - Ben 10
"flooring the policewoman"

Having seen the whole incident on a special Traffic Cops edition and viewing the footage above, the policewoman was not floored by the woman in red. The police woman slips on the foil blanket that was put over the woman in red after she was knocked down and temporarily unconsious. She then came round and jumped up as if she was on some kind of substance. But in my view she did not hit the police woman to the ground. Though both the actions of these two women was shocking and deserving of punishment.

Edited by spood on 29/11/2009 at 00:43