I'm after a couple of tyres to put on some spare wheels for trialling/grass autotesting. I will NOT be using them on the road.
I've been looking at eBay, and a lot of new 'BN' rated tyres are coming up very cheap, such as these: tinyurl.com/y9awu8q
I can't find what this designation means. Any ideas?
I'm also open to suggestions as to which brand and pattern would be best. M & S are NOT permitted.
There's an awful lot available: tinyurl.com/yar87m9
How about 'Brand New'?
Yep, lower down the add says:
155 80 13 Michelin MX Brand New
Brand new never crossed my mind.
I've been looking at car tyre websites trying to find out what it meant.
At ten quid a tyre I think they can't be prime examples, but will probably do for what I want.
I suppose that eventually nobody will write full words ~ just the first letter of all words. I just hope it doesn't happen in my lifetime.
Edited by L'escargot on 06/11/2009 at 07:50
I suppose that eventually nobody will write full words
Perhaps, but In this case it's probably due to ebay limiting the item's title length, in the same way this site limits the Subject length (understandably).
It's already happening in France - everything official is reduced to acronyms, it's worse than the British Army (have you ever seen all those mystery road sign arrows around Salisbury Plain?). It's very confusing for foreigners, even for the French themselves.
A French friend recently returned to teaching in France after a year away teaching in Africa. She had deliberately to spend a long time familiarising herself with the latest strings of initials in use, so she could understand what her new bosses and colleagues were talking about.